730 Days

Of marriage. Two full years. TODAY, actually! Two years ago on September 21st, we enjoyed the most beautiful wedding ceremony (although, we might be a little biased), it rained like the Noah’s Ark flood, and we partied all night long.  Two years!

Year Two Portraits

That’s crazy… at least to us. 🙂 Here’s the weird part though- sometimes it feels like a long time and sometimes it feels like no time at all. Part of that is probably because we’ve been together now for seven years and only two of those years we’ve been married. So sometimes it’s confusing to think about if two years of marriage feels long or short.

Year Two Portraits

Regardless, it’s WEDDING WEEK 2.0 and we are celebrating, baby! We’ve got all kinds of fun lined up for the week, including but not limited to…

  • Our mini two year portrait shoot (today! right now!)
  • Our WEDDING VIDEO! Which has never actually be shown to anyone before. Not even sure our parents have seen it… more on that later.
  • A few more “ins and outs” of our big day… including one of the (many) DIY crafts my mom and I tackled in preparation
  • The biggest piece of advice I would give to someone on their wedding day
  • A celebratory party game! Which we need your help with… So comment below with a QUESTION. It has to be one where the answer will either be Mitch or Leslie. Today is your last chance to get your question in!! We’re going to have a show-down on Friday (and a video!!). Be there or be square. I’m talking to you, Mitch.

So let’s get rolling with the wedding fun! Last week, we met up with our friend Ally (you’ve seen her here), who agreed to take some “Year Two” shots for us. Ally is dating my brother, Clint, and she’s awesome. Truly beautiful inside and out. The shoot was really fun and casual. Simple, easy, celebratory.

Year Two Portraits

We didn’t want anything huge or extensive- all we wanted were a handful of shots to remember Year Two by. It’s one of those things that can be a real pain to remember to do… documenting moments and milestones… but we’ve never regretted taking the time or effort to do it when later down the road we get to look back on photos and videos. Ally was a real trooper too- I texted her the morning of, asking if she’d be up for it and available sometime during the week and that night happened to be the only night that worked for both us and her, so she met us after work. What a good sport to give up part of her evening for us! She did a great job and we really love how they turned out. Thanks Al!

Year Two Portraits

Year Two Portraits Year Two Portraits Year Two Portraits

Still trying to figure out which ones to print and frame… I really like the church with the blue door. Maybe one of those? What do you think?

Happy Wedding Week, friends- stay tuned for more fun to come! How about some wedding-y posts from last year to tide you over?

One Year: What We Did, What We Gave

THE BIG DAY: How It All Went Down

Asking the Maids

9.21.13… Details, Details, Details

Honeymooning In Mexico!