So about that blank wall in the family room… you know, this one (Sorry for the picture from way back when. This is when we bought our house and way before we painted and then repainted, but it was the only shot that showed the thermostat!):
We wanted to add something that would disguise the eye sore that is our thermostat, but not block it in an annoying way that would make it difficult to access. The solution? A gallery wall! We have a very symmetrical one in the kitchen, but I thought that a more abstract version here would be a fun way to display some pictures and art AND hide the thermostat. Here’s how we went about it:
Step 1: Grab a bunch of frames. We had a whole bunch of different shapes, sizes, and colors laying around. It was fun to experiment with not only squares and rectangles, but a few uniquely shaped ones too! Hexagons, circles, long rectangles, etc. can all work in your layout.
Step 2: Spray ’em, baby. If you want them all the same color, that is. Even though we had a bunch of different sizes and styles, spraying them all white helped to create one cohesive look. I would recommend doing this before you hang them all up, but funny enough, I didn’t get around to spraying these white until after they were arranged on the wall, so all of the rest of the pictures feature their original colors.
Step 3: Decide on a layout. We did this on the floor first so that we could move things around without making a thousand holes in the wall. I used that small, silver rectangle to represent where the thermostat would be.
Step 4: Trace each frame onto newspaper. This was my first time using the newspaper trick and I must say, I really liked how it turned out… it made hanging and arranging the real frames a cinch!
Step 5: Tape your newspaper cut-outs to the wall. This allows you to continue to move things around until you have the exact layout you want. And you don’t even have to make any holes!
Step 6: Measure and hammer. Using the real frame, find the measurements for where the nail will hang and use those measurements to mark your paper copy. Hammer the nail right through the paper, into the wall.
Step 7: Rip and hang. Pull down the paper, leaving the nail behind and hang the real frame in place!
It was easy- a little tedious, but easy. I have to admit- these frames have been up for months and I’m ashamed to say that we are just now getting our act together to get them filled. For the longest time, they were sporting fake families and their original art (there were a lot of swans and teacups)…
NO MORE, though! Here’s how it’s looking today…
Clearly, it’s not completely finished and some of our frames are just filled with scrapbook paper place holders, and there are a few later additions still need to be painted white, but little by little I’m working on it. Actually, I kind of like that it’s not an overnight project because it allows me to take my time in deciding what will be a good fit for the wall. For example, I’ve now been pondering for months about what should take the place of those beloved swans that came with that octagon frame. And, of course, this means that slowly but surely some of my art projects and framing escapades that had to go down to get these babies filled will make their way onto the blog. Hooray! Maybe I can post one each week? Who knows- we’ll see what we can do about that.
For now, let’s play: Can you spot the thermostat? Much better, huh? And just wait until we doll it up with a coat of bright white paint! I predict it’ll all but disappear…
Happy Thursday, all- fear not, the weekend is coming. Check back in tomorrow for (finally!) the run-down of how we styled the shelves in the family room! Let me just say this: there will be a video so get pumped.
THIS little update has been a long time coming. We bought a new couch. And…
We’re back to the bathroom talk today, but only because we wanted to…
August 22, 2016