We’re talking NURSERY today! Probably the number one questions I get asked as of late is “Have you started the nursery yet?”. Along those same lines… “How’s the nursery coming?”, “What does the baby’s room look like?”, “What colors are you using in the nursery?”. Well, friends, today’s the day to answer some of those questions! But let’s start at the beginning. When we first bought the house, the nursery was being used as… a nursery!
When we moved in, it became more of a catch-all. We used this room to hold a desk for office space, the futon from our spare room in the last house, a dresser that we are no longer using in our current master bedroom, and a bunch of other things that either need to be unpacked, organized, or put elsewhere. I should back up and say that the room I’m talking about is the one directly across from our bedroom. It’s the smallest room in the house and we think it’ll be a great fit for the smallest member of our family. Most recently, we’ve moved the office stuff out of there and have been using it as our stash spot for all things baby that we received from the shower.
It took us awhile to figure out the direction we wanted to go with the nursery, partially because we wanted to wait and find out if we were having a boy or a girl before making too many plans. I knew that I wanted it to be specific to the baby’s gender to allow for flexibility to add personal touches that might not be possible in a totally gender- neutral space.
We’ve already started on the makeover and even have a few of the pieces you’ll see in the moodboard below for the foundation of the room. I can’t wait to show you some of the progress we’ve made, as it’s looking quite a bit different than it did before! For now, though, let’s get into the game plan with… you guessed it… a MOODBOARD!
Alrighty, why don’t we just dive right in? I’ll spew all of my general thoughts and ideas at you and we’ll see how intact we all are at the end.
And that, folks, is where I leave you in terms of “nursery land”… we’re slowly getting the room together and so far, it’s been a lot of fun. It feels different than any other room for some reason. Maybe because it comes with feelings of anticipation and joy for the baby to get here. I also think it has something to do with the vision for the space… as soon as we had a direction, it’s been pretty easy for us to fill in the missing pieces and make decisions… I don’t know, it just feels like this room has come together more easily and quickly than any of our others so far. And good thing too- she’ll be here before we know it!