A Teal and Orange Mantel

First of all, I wanted to thank all of you for the support you have shown Beau and Summer after I wrote this post last week. I had people contact me via text, FB, email, etc. saying that they were praying and sending good thoughts their way, sharing their own stories of similar situations, and encouraging them that they’re not alone and to not give up. I can’t tell you how much your support has meant to them… they are very thankful for you and I wanted to pass that along.

I also promised to keep you updated, to the best of my ability, so here’s the latest… Beau and Summer were supposed to settle on their house on Saturday (9/26), but that was pushed back to Monday (9/28) at noon. I checked in with them yesterday right beforehand and they said that there were complications and settlement had been pushed back again, but still possibly (and hopefully) that afternoon. I later got a text message that there were even more complications and a new list of seemingly impossible tasks to produce and that settlement has now been postponed again until sometime next week. As you can imagine, a lot of this is out of their control- some things necessary to settle are things that the seller and his power of attorney need to take care of- and there is still a chance that it could fall through.

Bottom line… please keep praying!!! If you’ve bought a house before (let alone dealt with a short sale) or even experienced the feeling of something being dangled in front of you that you can’t seem to reach, you know how frustrated and defeated they must feel right now. How hard it must be to stay encouraged and keep fighting. So all of your prayers and encouragement means more than we might ever know. Thank you for caring for them… caring for someone you know is one thing, but I am always blown away when people care for those they’ve never met. You all are inspiring. 🙂

I have some fall fun for you today! A few weeks ago, I put an autumn twist on our mantel and I’ve been waiting to show you!

Fall Mantel 1

I love the color scheme of this look and have since found myself using it throughout the rest of the house as I continue to decorate for fall. The oranges and teals have great contrast against each other and are a fun way of mixing my favorite hue with an autumn-y feel.

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I started with a few squares of burlap and then added some bigger pieces to each side to balance them out. The left side got a large white pitcher, filled with orange roses and yellow ferns. I added some blue glass vases and another blue pot, filled with a few more roses.

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For the details, I chose to go with my big gold key, a couple twig balls, a real pumpkin, and a faux white pumpkin (from Hobby Lobby… seen in this post). Finish it off with a sprinkling of faux leaves and that side is all set!

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For the right side, my big piece (to balance the white pitcher) is the wooden box- you saw it first here– topped with a blue Mason jar, filled with roses. To bring in a bit more teal, I added some more vases and pottery and sprinkled in more of those pumpkins and twig balls, followed by a few leaves. Bam, done.

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This one was really easy to put together (those are my favorite kind!) and it gets me in the fall spirit every time I look at it!

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Any fall-ifications happening at your home lately? I’d love to hear about it, but would love even more to see pictures! Email them to me! Have a great Tuesday, everybody. 🙂


  1. Cindy | 29th Sep 15

    This looks so beautiful – I really love it!

    • Leslie | 29th Sep 15

      Thanks Cindy!

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