At It Again…

Hey there, everybody! HAPPY FRIDAY!!! This week we’ve been highlighting all things fall, here in blogland- we introduced you to our fall front porch, decorated with some leaves, and put together the first of three Turkey Tables (complete with a VIDEO!). Lots of decor stuff this week.2014 Turkey Table #1But don’t worry, this weekend we’ve got a bunch of home projects we’re working on- some building, painting, all that good stuff and as soon as I can get my act together, we’ll have those updates for you. For now, though, here’s a little something to hold you over until next week… WE’VE PAINTED the family room! Again.

Painting the Family Room The last time you saw it, it looked like this:

Family Room: AFTERThe room has been a light yellow since we bought the house and painted it back in June of 2013. It was nice and light and airy, but there was always something about the space that didn’t feel right to me. Eventually, we figured it out- everything. was. the. same. color. The walls, carpet, furniture- all that same tan/yellow-ish, which made the room feel super blah. So we painted it. And I can’t wait to show you what it looks like now! Unfortunately, that’s a next week post, but here is where we started with this project: Family Room Paint ChipsAnd from there, we narrowed it down to the final four (yes, I know they all look mostly the same):

Painting the Family Room

So sorry for the cliff hanger, but here’s an in progress shot to tide you over and we’ll be back early next week to share all the “new and improved” details! Have a great weekend!Painting the Family Room



  1. Nancy | 14th Nov 14

    Can’t wait!!

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