Bite Sized Blooms

I’m not really sure why you would bite them, actually, but they were small and cute and I couldn’t resist sharing with you where we ended up putting them. These cuties were given to me for my birthday and they reminded me just how much I love (and missed!) having fresh flowers in the house. I might have to make grabbing a few blooms every week or so a habit because there’s something so very special about having bright, sunny flowers around.

Bite Sized Flowers

These ones ended up in our bathroom. We have a half-accident, half-on purpose purplish color scheme going on in there, so they fit right in.

Bite Sized FlowersBite Sized Flowers

The nice part about them is that when some of the flowers started to die, I just plucked out the dead ones and the arrangement still looked great with the majority of it being greenery. I love an arrangement with a little endurance. 🙂

Bite Sized Flowers

Any fresh flowers at your place lately?


  1. Cindy | 3rd Feb 15

    Belated Happy Birthday to you!

    • Leslie | 3rd Feb 15

      Thanks Cindy! 🙂

  2. Nancy | 3rd Feb 15

    I am in love the with pint size daffodils you can find at the grocery this time of year for just a few bucks. They require frequent watering but bring me such joy that I can’t resist!

    • Leslie | 3rd Feb 15

      Oh, totally worth it! They really brighten up a space 🙂

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