Break Out the Cardboard Boxes…


We're Moving!

Oh. My. Word.

We have been DYING to tell you this for the longest time! No, this is not an April Fools joke. 🙂 We are officially mid-move to our brand new house… this is a huge (HUGE) change for us and we are so very excited. A little scared (ahhh, change!), a little stressed (have you ever moved before?), but really reeeeaaalllly super excited. And because I know, like everyone else we’ve told so far, you probably have a lot of questions. So I thought a FAQ interview-style post might be the best way to answer some of the ones we’re asked the most… so let’s get right to it!

Why are we moving? We love our house. It’s the perfect size for us and conveniently located right smack in the middle of our jobs. However, we’ve known for awhile that at some point, we wanted to move back toward where our families live. We love spending time with our three families and right now we live about an hour or more from each of them. While that’s not bad, we were craving a shorter commute to all of the people we love most. We also knew that at some point, we will outgrow our space and will need to move anyway. The thought process was, “well, we can at least see what’s out there”… and the rest is history! More about how we found the perfect house to come!

Where are we moving to? Right now, we live in a suburb of Philadelphia… and we will be moving to another suburb of Philadelphia. 🙂 Our families are all in the Delaware/Pennsylvania areas, so we will be moving to a town that is closer to all three of them. We’ll be a bit west of Philly when all is said and done.

What about the old house? Our beloved first house has officially been SOLD to a wonderful buyer who already loves it as much as we did. All of our stuff has been moved out and the buyer is in the process of moving in! Our house was listed on November 27th (Black Friday!) and we signed the final papers yesterday. I have MANY a post lined up about the whole process (we opted to go the “For Sale By Owner” route), so you’ll get all of the details before long. 🙂

Our House

When did all of this happen? We began really hunting back in October (2015), first laid eyes on the new house in early November, listed our house at the end of November, sold it in February, and closed on both houses YESTERDAY. Yes, it’s been a whirlwind.

How does this affect your jobs? Good question. And one that we thought a lot about. We really believe that the way this all happened was a huge blessing from God. It was very stressful to think about moving and location and how that factored into our work (we both love what we do)… we were nervous that a move would push us into making a hard decision about one or both of our jobs. However, where we landed location-wise still allows us to continue to work where we do, with just a few adjustments to our routine. One of the biggest is that our 20-minute-a-piece commute time is going to increase. My drive will now be around 45 minutes and Mitch’s around an hour. We’re working on doing some creative thinking about how to manage that so it is most effective for our family. The nature of Mitch’s work allows him to be able to do almost everything he needs to from anywhere, as long as he has a computer. For this reason, he will be able to incorporate a mix of office hours and working from home into his routine. As we’ll both be heading in the same direction when he does go in, we might be able to get crafty and take one car, do a drop-off and pick-up to and from work on certain days.

Tell us about the new house!! It’s amazing. It’s a one-story, brick ranch house with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, more yard than we could ever want, and is nestled in a great neighborhood and school district. I should know all this, as it’s the same town I grew up in! Lots of potential, lots of DIY projects, lots of opportunities to make it our own. That’s about all I can tell you in this post, but don’t worry… we’ve got A TON of posts coming your way soon, including video tours, vlogs about some of the work that we’ve already done, and much much more. For now, here’s a sneak peek… 🙂

New House 1

I can’t believe we’re finally publishing this post! It’s been a long time coming and we are so excited to settle into our new house and start loving it as much as we loved our first. As always, thanks for coming along for the ride… we’d have it no other way. 🙂


  1. Summer | 1st Apr 16

    Wooooohoooooo!!!!! It’s official!!

  2. Nancy | 3rd Apr 16

    Congrats Leslie and Mitch! Looking forward to all those posts!

    • Leslie | 3rd Apr 16

      Thanks Nancy! Stay tuned! 🙂

  3. Francis Rosario | 12th Apr 16

    Looking forward to all the DIY(s) coming out of this new property

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