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Category: Backyard

Thrill(s) of the Week: The Thrills That… Weren’t

Remember our patio to-do list from yesterday? Well, this week’s thrills deal with two of those items: the grill and the umbrella. I wish I had a whole slew of pictures to show you of our sparkling new grill and bright, peppy umbrella but I don&#8217…

Drop That Leaf

UPDATE: You can now check out our One Year Review of this product here! We’rrrrreeeee back with more patio update madness! But first things first: Hopefully, by now you’ve gotten a chance to get used to some of the color/background/font changes and are liking…

How Riding the Bench Got Our Butts in Gear

UPDATE: You can now check out our One Year Review of this product here! We have been avoiding our backyard like the plague. After such a long winter, it was all I had to muster up the energy to even film the “behind the scenes tour” for you…