Color Conundrum: Family Room

The Family Room saga continues. It all started with the infamous “in progress” post, where we first welcomed this room to the blog. The original work on the space included putting some color on the walls and bringing in some furniture. Fast forward a few months: we added two side tableschanged the curtain, and began to come to terms with the color troubles we were running into.

When we first started decorating this room, the goal was to try out some new color combinations (red curtain, red/orange/green infused pillows, etc.). For awhile, it was working, but after some time, we found ourselves adding a bit of every color of the rainbow…

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I think we even had a purple candle going at one point.

After bringing in a pair of sleek, white side tables and substituting a billowy, white curtain in for the previous blue (and red) candidate, our room finally began to take shape. We nixed the colorful pillows (leaving the blue ones) and removed the red throw. Long story short, we have found our final color scheme and, surprise surprise, it takes us back to the one we started with: blues and yellows and whites. We’re even going to throw a bit of green into this room. And the inspiration to stick with what we know and love? Those beautiful lampshades we found months ago on Target clearance…

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So now that we have our colors worked out, the next step is infusing them into the space… starting with the furniture. We have a coffee table:new 016

An end table:family room 029

And two side tables:couch

to work with. Oh, and an entertainment center, but it’s (dark cherry) color is here to stay.

We’d like to keep our options fairly simple, to keep the challenging decisions to a minimum. The choices for each of the above are: painted green, painted white, or left wood. I’ve been on the hunt for some inspiration and these couple of pictures make me just a little bit giddy about the possibilities for our own furniture!

white coffee tablegreen

The white coffee table (courtesy of Google images) might bring some more lightness to the room. I loved what Young House Love did with the soft green paint on their bookshelf and it made me think that we could pull off a color like this in the Family Room, too.

So, here’s where you come in! We need your opinions! Which piece should get which treatment? Here is a wide shot of the room to give you a better sense of how things relate to each other within the space.wide frwide fr 2

Tell us what you think and cast your vote below… what should we do with the Family Room furniture?

Thanks for chiming in on this one! We’re excited to hear what you have to say and will share the results as we get them 🙂

Yay for progress!


PS. Check in tomorrow for the Thrill of the Week! Word on the street is that it involves a can of gold spray paint…