Curtain Call

It’s a week of fairy tales! (Click here to read yesterday’s.) Once upon a time, we tried to incorporate every color of the rainbow into our Family Room. And then decided that it wasn’t working…family room

We really wanted to try to break out of our color comfort zone (yellows and blues) and try something bold- like red curtains (which mimicked with the reds of the flowers in the photo above). It worked for a bit… we bought some pillows (which you can see in the photo above) and throws to encourage our leap of faith. We especially enjoyed it over the Christmas season because it felt so festive!thomas christmas 004

However, after the Yuletide excitement wore off, we found ourselves confused at the direction the room was heading and come January, we decided to give a new set of curtains a try. In an effort to mimic the winter weather and colors that accompany it, we brought the light blue curtains that had originally been in the Spare Bedroom downstairs to grace our Family Room wall 027

This also worked for some time. We knew we were getting closer to a final solution, but even the light blue curtains felt dark and heavy in our one-window Family Room. At this point, we were beginning to realize that our hopes of introducing different colors were just not taking flight (more on the color conundrum saga later this week). Meanwhile, as we had removed the curtains from the Spare to use in the Family Room, I went out in search of Spare curtain replacements. And found these. We LOVED them in the Spare (you can see them in action here) and started to wonder…what would they look like in our Family Room?

Well, a few weeks ago, I finally got around to taking them down and giving them a test run downstairs. And we LOVED THEM EVEN MORE in the Family Room!white curtains

I think we’ve found the missing link to our curtain run-around. The soft, white material of these curtains really brings a light, airy feeling to the room. They open up the window and make it feel much brighter than before. We love that the subtle pattern adds some interest to the space without being overbearing.white curtains All in all, this is the best scenario we’ve had so far and every time I look at them, I get excited that we seem to be finding our way with this room. But enough from me… pictures say a thousand words, huh? Well then, I’ll let this last shot speak for itself.wide fr

Dreamy, huh? It’s amazing what a soft white piece of cloth can do to a space. Have any curtain adventures of your own? Share, share, share!
