Easy Peasy Clothespin Art

Ok, it’s the weekend, people- let’s party. You know by now (at least if you’ve been tracking with us this week) that we’ve been airing out all of our dirty laundry…

Laundry Room: BEFOREThat’s right… laundry room madness ALL.WEEK.LONG. We started with drab and dim and landed in Beverly Hills with a few coats of paint, some baskets, a jar of DIY detergent, and a brand new shelf! Boo-yah (can we bring that phrase back?).

Adding a Shelf in the Laundry RoomBuuuuuutttt there was one thing still a little off… see that pesky water hook up? Yah, gross. I mean it’s clean, but it looks bad- especially with all of the shiny white and fun new colors. So I set off to create a little something to hide it. At first, I thought about doing some sort of graphic text with laundry-ish words, but then I stumbled across this on Pinterest:

Clothespin Art

*You can find the source here.

So cute, huh?! I figured that a little clothespin art would be just the thing to give the laundry room a little bit of cheeky fun. And the best part about it is that you can make it on the cheap! This project only cost me about $4 (we didn’t have any clothespins on hand, so I just grabbed a pack of 50 for the job).

Clothespin Art

The supply list for this one is pretty short:

  • Piece of cardboard (you could also use a canvas or piece of wood, but I was just going with what I had)
  • White Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Clothespins
  • Hot Glue Gun

Clothespin Art

Step 1: Paint your cardboard white (or whatever color you choose to use). Make sure to coat it a few times- it took me a couple coats to get it covered.

Clothespin Art

Step 2: Play around with your clothespins until you land on a design you like! I tried out a bunch until I found the right layout.

Clothespin ArtIn the end, I kept it clean and linear and went with a chevron/arrow design:

Clothespin Art

Step 3: Glue your design onto the painted cardboard.

Clothespin Art

Step 4: Hang (or in our case, lean) and enjoy!

Clothespin Art Clothespin ArtClothespin ArtClothespin Art

See? Easy, cheap, and fun! Should we ever need to get to the panel behind it, all we have to do is take it down and we’re good to go. So with that, we’re closing shop on the Laundry Room makeovers for the week… thanks for hangin’ out with us!

Clothespin Art

PS. Want to see the progress from start to finish? Here’s the run down:

Clothespin Art