Egging the House

Now you’re tuned in. Hah! Not that type of egging, although that would be fun. For a short amount of time, at least, until the reality of having to clean from that mess sets in. So maybe it’s a good thing we’re chatting about a different type of egg. A few months ago, while thrifting at one of my favorite local haunts, a friend and I came across this character:

Wicker Egg Chair

Originally, he was priced at $75, but on sale for $50 with an additional 50% off that… needless to say $25 was something I just couldn’t resist. Here’s what happened next: But where will we put it? Uhhhh…. I’m not sure, but I think we can figure something out. Yes, this would be a great purchase. Let’s do it. That’s the cliff note version of the conversation that ensued in my head while I stood next to the chair in the store… yes, staking my claim just in case anyone would try and swoop in to grab it while I was hemming and hawing. Long story short, I took it home and thus began the process of finding a spot for it.

Wicker Egg Chair

The entire downstairs was pretty much out of the question (good luck trying to fit another large piece of furniture in our family room) and we’ve found the sweet spot with our bedroom, layout wise. Not a corner to spare for such a hefty chair. Which means that the spare bedroom became our best only candidate! But if you’ve been with us so far, you know that the current layout we have in that room will NOT accommodate for another piece of furniture, so we’ve been lifting and shifting to see if another combo will better allow for our new wicker friend. More on where we ended up with that in tomorrow’s post.

Wicker Egg Chair

For now, here’s our egg-y friend in the corner of the room, complete with new pillows and a blanket. The original cushion it came with was 1. monstruous and 2. Gross-looking. For the longest time, I thought I’d be able to reupholster it somehow, but we just ended up throwing it out. As it is, I ‘m a very weary of letting fabric-y things into the house, when I don’t know where they’ve been… the LAST thing we want or need is a bed bug situation. And when I saw how charming the seat looked with just a few pillows we had laying around and a blanket, I was sold. Not having the huge cushion taking up the entire chair actually makes the room feel not as cramped because without it, you can see through the wicker and the piece doesn’t take up as much space visually.

Wicker Egg Chair

Am I glad I pulled the trigger? Yes. Admittedly, I was a little nervous about buying something without a specific spot or purpose in mind (in general, we don’t operate like that for fear of making decisions we’ll regret later). However, the chair adds an element of coziness to the space and I have to say- it is so stinkin’ comfy to sit in! In the end, unique+comfy+fun (um, it spins) won me over. And when Mitch sat down in it, he was quickly on board too. 🙂

Wicker Egg Chair

Can’t wait to show you a few layouts we tried for the room to fit this baby in… stay tuned tomorrow!