Feeling Blue

Time for another room reveal! Just like the kitchen and spare bedroom, this room went through some pretty major changes to get to where it is today. Welcome to our Upstairs Bathroom, folks! Our style/vision for this space is clean, crisp, and fresh feeling. Let’s rewind though, shall we? And start from the beginning… When we first bought the house, the Upstairs Bath looked like this:

Upstairs Bath: BEFORE

Upstairs Bath: BEFOREHead to toe purple, white tiling, wooden medicine cabinets, floral shower curtain. The room itself was in great condition- the flooring and fixtures looked fine and everything was in pretty good working order! Now to make it feel more like us…

Step 1: Remove towels and shower curtain. We knew we were going to replace everything and having it up would just get in the way of sanding, painting, etc.

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Step #2: Spackle. This was a tedious job that we had a lot of help with! Because we removed both of the medicine cabinets and a few towel racks that had been installed with molly bolts, there were many places in the drywall that needed to be reconstituted. Thanks goes out to some of our Youth Groupers and my parents for their patience with this project!

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Step #3: Sand and paint! Love this step 🙂 We chose Behr Ultra White for the ceiling, trim, and door and Behr “Spa” for the walls. If you look closely at the picture on the right, you can see the blue on the walls around the shower!

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Step #4: Change out a few furnishings. We took out one of the medicine cabinets altogether and replaced it with a white framed mirror. We’re loving the crisp, clean white lines it gives us.

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

The other medicine cabinet stayed, but got an upgrade as well- a new paint job!

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Step #5: Step back, and admire. Our faithful painters rock. That’s all there is to it. Here are some more “afters” to feast on… we’re loving the new room so far!

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Painting the Upstairs BathroomPainting the Upstairs BathroomPainting the Upstairs BathroomPainting the Upstairs Bathroom


Upstairs Bath: BEFORE


Painting the Upstairs Bathroom


Upstairs Bath: BEFORE


Painting the Upstairs BathroomSo, what do you think? Do you like the new color? Yes, we still have work to do:

  • Decide what to do about the vanity… Leave it as is? Paint it?
  • Re-grout the bathtub/shower
  • Bleach the grout between floor tiles
  • Paint the beadboard Behr Ultra White
  • Add some decor to the walls and counters

But, overall, we are thrilled with how it looks so far. We like clean and it definitely feels clean 🙂

Anyone else have a bathroom they love? Share some pics- I’d love to see what colors and styles you chose! Until next time, enjoy “the fun of” the weekend!


Update: There have been some updates to the Upstairs Bath since this post… including some new minty details and a storage solution!