Fun With Fashion (VIDEO!)

We don’t do a lot of fashion-related things here on the blog. And while it’s definitely not in the cards to become a fashion and beauty blog, we do dabble in the “what’s going on in our lives in the every day” here and there. That’s something I have enjoyed watching this blog grow into.

Sure, the majority of our content is and probably always will be home-related and DIY focused. However, at its core, this is a place where we are chronicling the moments, adventures, and experiences that are making up our life. Some of those adventures have included documenting vacations and family get togethers, introducing you to some of the people that are nearest and dearest to us, and giving you a look into what we do for a living with our jobs in Youth Ministry.

With the launch of our YouTube channel (Mitch & Leslie), we now have an additional space to explore all of these things and more of these things in different ways. While most of the weekly challenge videos (they debut every Friday… you can read more about that project here) will not be included in our weekly schedule here on the blog, there will be some other content that does fall into the realm of what we explore over here on Oh, the Fun.

Haul Video

Awhile ago, I posted a picture on Instagram of a few goodies I snagged during our last Christmas gift-card laden shopping spree. Since then, I’ve been getting questions about where I got certain items, how much, what do they look like on (see picture below), etc. so I figured that maybe it was time to try my hand at a good ‘ole fashioned HAUL VIDEO!

Haul Video 1

You know when you go shopping and then come back, only to try everything on again for the people that want to see what all you got? My mom and I always called it a “fashion show”. 🙂 That’s pretty much what a haul video is… “here are a few things I’ve stumbled on that I liked enough to buy, here’s where I got them, and roughly how much they cost”… for those of us that get our inspiration via recommendations from others, I love this kind of stuff. Picture me saying, “Ooooh, I like that! Where did you get it? I wonder if they are still open because I’ve been looking for one of those!” pretty much every time my mom came home with something new and exciting. 🙂

So, for those of you on the hunt, here are a few things that I snagged the last time we did  a little shopping. I understand this type of video will not be everyone’s cup of tea… I won’t be offended if you watch the initial blooper in the beginning and then close out of this tab and move along with your day. 🙂 For those of you hanging out… enjoy!

Psst… If you want the links to the products in the video (or similar ones), here they are!

Denim Shirt (Kohls), Flannel Shirt (Kohl’s), T-Shirt Dress (Target), Black Shirt (Primark), White Sweater (Target), Sweater Poncho (Target), Red Sneakers (Target), Black Quilted Shoes (Amazon), Brown Bag (Target), Black Purse (Target), Gray Clutch (Target)