Getting Moody In the Bathroom

I know this post is going to leave you shaking your heads. And I apologize for that in advance, but this is just who I am and how my mind works. So go ahead and start shaking now because I’m going to tell you something a little crazy…

We’re re-doing the downstairs bathroom. GASP. I know, I know… not so much a big deal that we’re updating another space, but more so that I can’t seem to get one completely finished before moving onto the next. We are in the middle of so many projects right now and I have so many ideas floating around in my head (and on my Pinterest) all the time, that it’s a challenge for me to focus on one space and see it through until the end.

No, we still haven’t shown you the final reveal of the new desk in the new office. Yes, we’ve brought in even more new furniture to the Spare and have yet to customize it for the space, let alone style and shoot it to show you here on the blog. Truth: The frickin’ outlets have been sitting half done (I’m changing the covers out for new bright white ones) since LAST AUGUST. And yes, I’ve been bothering Mitch with harebrained schemes for a few updates in the Master Bedroom. Oh, and YES, I still have yet to sit down with my dad and draw up the sketches for how we built our bed so I can share those plans with you.

This house is one continuous project and there is no rhyme or reason for the progress that does or does not happen. Two full time jobs with crazy irregular hours and an excitable couple who loves spontaneous adventures and trying things on a whim does not add up to a regular blogging schedule. Or many finished rooms. 🙂 They’ll all eventually get there.

To-Do List

The beauty of jumping around is that we’re never bored and you never quite know what you’re going to get here on the ‘ole blog! My Type A list makers are muttering curse words at me right now… sorry guys!

Actually, the slow evolution of our spaces is kind of the fun part. Ideas and tastes develop and change the longer we think about our rooms and how we use them, so by the time they’re closed to being finished they’ve been pretty thought out and really what we want.

All of that to say, we’re starting a new project and it’s the downstairs bathroom! There will be some demo (already in the works), building (almost finished!), new paint, new lighting, and a totally new look than what we have in there now. I’ve said it before- the downstairs bathroom is the room that was completed, but didn’t feel finished. At least not to me.

I learned a lot of decorating lessons when we first painted our house. Like, it’s okay if not every room is ready right away. And that you should never pick a paint color without seeing it in your home first… which is where the tale of the bathroom comes in. When we first bought the house, it looked like this:

Downstairs Bath: BEFOREWallpaper galore! That got stripped and the room was painted a light gray because I was determined to have gray in the house, as per the trend at the time. However, the gray I picked definitely has purple undertones because this is what it looks like in our bathroom…

Downstairs Bath: AFTER

Not bad looking, but not what I was shooting for. We hung some shelves and a medicine cabinet above the toilet that we have never used even once since moving in. Overall, it looked fine, but I never really loved it. We knew that some day down the line, we wanted some sort of cabinet underneath the sink for more storage and the purple in the counter itself never did the gray any favors.

So the time has come for a new look! Behold, I give you… the Downstairs Bathroom Moodboard.

Downstairs Bathroom Moodboard

I am so excited for this space because I finally feel like I have a clear idea of what I want in that room. Here’s the plan…

1. White Planked Walls: I’ve been dying to try the ever-popular planked wall somewhere in this house. Most people use it as an accent wall, but we’re planning on using this technique on all four walls of the room! The thought is to bring that planked wall up to about a foot below the ceiling and finish that last foot of wall space off with a little color.

2. Paint: A little unconventional perhaps, but we’re going to put a little color on the ceiling and last foot of wall space, where the planked wall ends. This light mint will be subtle, but still bring some color into the space.

3. Under-Counter Storage: We’re planning on building a cabinet to go under the sink to give us some extra storage space. Echoing the lighter color on the ceiling, antiquing the cabinet with a darker teal will bring some depth and style to the room.

4. New Counter Tops: Remember that purple Formica? No more, my friends! We’ve got an exciting plan up our sleeves to transform that counter top to be beautiful and elegant. We will be partnering with Gianni Granite, a company that sells kits to make your old counters look just like brand new granite! And the best part? There will be a chance for YOU to win a kit of your very own, so stay tuned for those contest details!!

5. Light Fixture: We’ve got boobs around here, friends. Hah, NOW you’re paying attention, huh? Boob lights, that is. 🙂 You’ve all seen them before- the builder basic lights that come with most houses… and look like, well, boobs. I didn’t make that term up, so don’t shoot the messenger. 🙂 Anyway, we’ve got one in this bathroom and I think switching it out for something like this stylish glass ball with the oil rubbed bronze accent would be awesome. It might make this year’s Christmas list! Seems to be a trend

6. Driftwood Mirror: Right now we’ve got a silver mirror in this room, which is in great shape! However, if we change up the look of the space, I’m not sure the silver will be a perfect match. I do love this driftwood mirror (you know me and driftwood) and I think we could DIY our own pretty easily.

7. Scrap Wood and Plumbing Shelves: Another project I’ve been dying to try! I really like the open storage look and again, the current medicine cabinet we have in there has not even been touched in two years. So, I think it’s safe to say that we won’t miss the closed storage option in this space.

8. Art: I LOVE this watercolor I found on Etsy and I think it’s going to act as the inspiration for pulling the styling part of this room together. I really like the rainbow of colors and I think it compliments the blues of the ceiling and cabinet, while giving us some space to bring in other colors as well. It’s already on my Christmas list… if I can wait that long before giving in and just ordering it myself!

So that’s the plan! This makeover will happen over the next few months… we’re not rushing through this one because there are a few pieces that will take some saving up for and a few tasks that will take some time to complete. Although, both Mitch and I are taking some vacation time next week, so maybe we’ll have a few updates for you right away! I can tell you right now… there has already been some demo and rebuilding that has happened. 🙂

Also, next week we’ve got a few fun day trips planned for our “Staycation”, so you’ll get to come along for the fun too, of course! Stay tuned!