Home Goods Happy

We had a great weekend- not very busy, plenty of time to see friends and family, and NOTHING to do on Saturday morning. This is big for us. With our ministry schedules, we are often off and running most weekends and a Saturday morning at home is a rarity. The Saturdays that we can sleep in, wake up slowly, and make breakfast at our leisure are life-giving for us.


The only thing better than a weekend like this is TWO weekends like this right in a row! Last weekend was just as relaxing, but full of family and friends. So let’s rewind to last weekend and relive a little… Friday afternoon, Mitch and I headed to my parents’ neck of the woods for a meeting to do our taxes. Since we were in their area, we came over for dinner, joined by my brothers and their significant others and my best friend growing up. We had a great night catching up with everyone and stayed almost until midnight shooting the breeze, watching reruns of the Voice, and just enjoying each other’s company. 🙂

Needless to say, it was g.l.o.r.i.o.u.s. to be able to take it easy on Saturday. I did get my act together in time to take an afternoon trip to Home Goods with my good friend, Addie. We spent over an hour meandering through each aisle and scouring the place for deals and steals. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon! I thought it’d be fun to give you a little round up of some of the goodies that are currently on the shelves (we’ve had fun doing this in the past)… it was all we had not to load up our cart with every single one of them!

Wall hook and organization unit- $39.99

Home Goods Happy

This one caught my eye because I think someone could make something similar on their own pretty easily… essentially, it’s a cabinet door with a few hooks and metal baskets attached. I’m sure you could pull that off for less than $40 buckaroos (especially if you get your cabinet door from somewhere like the Habitat Restore)!

Desk Organizers- $12.99

Home Goods Happy

I’ve always wanted to get a few of these, but something stops me every time. Will I use it? What would I put in it? Inevitably, I end up leaving them for someone else to take home and enjoy, but these were definitely cute and I definitely stared at them for awhile!

Cabinet Pulls- $9.99 for 4 or 12.99 for 6

Home Goods Happy

I’ve been thinking about changing out all of the hardware on our kitchen cabinets for some time now, so these cuties caught my eye right away. They are so charming! There are a bunch of different colors and patterns- something for everyone!

Stationary and Journals- $4.99 for a journal

Home Goods Happy

Oh man, I had one of those beautiful journals in my hand all the way up until the checkout line… but sadly, it had to go back because my cart was over budget. 🙁 Regardless, Addie and I had fun browsing all of the color and pattern (and silly phrases!) options. She ended up taking home some stationary so at least it was a win for one of us!

Wall Hooks- $12.99

Home Goods Happy

THESE were awesome! Addie found them and we both ogled them for awhile (she is thinking of sprucing up her laundry room/entry way). I love how bright and fun, but also worn down and casual they feel. And that geometric/quatrefoil-ish shape gets me every time!

Garden Stool- $55

Home Goods Happy

I was SO TEMPTED by this. It was on Clearance and I’ve been wanting one. I’m not entirely sure where I’d put it… probably outside as a little side table. But since I couldn’t decide for sure and it would have blown my budget way out of the water, I shed a tear (not really), admired its beauty for a bit, and left it for someone else to take home.

Wooden Boxes and Trays- Anywhere from $7.99-24.99

Home Goods HappyThese were an 11th hour find… we’d been looking for awhile and were just about ready to leave, when I stumbled across this end cap. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before because the wooden pieces were so charming! I especially loved the boxes labeled No. 1. How great would one of those look on a shelf or coffee table?

Home Goods Happy

Well, that about wraps it up… lots to see and do buy at Home Goods these days! While I couldn’t take everything home, I did have a $30 gift card to shop with, which I put to good use. 🙂 I did end up bringing something from the round-up home (can you guess what it was??), but my main objective going in was to come home with a few frames (I’ve been finding that our rooms need a little personalizing)…

Home Goods Happy

And as for what mystery item made it through check out…

Home Goods Happy

If you guessed…. the WOODEN BOX, you’re right! I chose one with a cream stripe, over the yellow. I love how rustic and “seaside” it feels and thought it would pair really nicely in our family room with those bright white shelves and blue-gray wall paint.

Home Goods Happy

Can’t wait to show you what everything looks like all set up!


  1. Fran Rosario | 16th Mar 15

    Idea… These are all great “girl” things. How about you have your husband as a guest blogger, come up with something for all your follower’s men to look and delve into? Ya know, like his favorite tool, or how to buy a horse or machine gun, or something like that?

    • Leslie | 16th Mar 15

      GREAT idea Dad! Any interest being a guest post-er yourself??

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