I Know You Love Me Because…

Dear Mom,

Good thing you’re in my life. Because I would be a mess otherwise. You’ve loved me the longest. Thanks for that. 🙂

Mother's Day

Love can be hard to see, hard to feel, hard to detect because it doesn’t look any certain way. But you taught me what to look for when hunting down love.

I know you love me because…

You did stuff with us all of the time. Little stuff- like blowing bubbles.

Mother's DayAnd big stuff- like the best birthday parties. Seriously, the best.

Tea Party BirthdayI know you love me because…

You share your creativity. Those handmade Halloween costumes made some of the best “remember that?” memories we have…

Halloween CostumesAnd you show us how to create, how to love the arts. Why do you think I love finding my voice and style through decorating and music, Beau loves capturing the beauty of the world through film and video, and Clint loves recording the melodies of life through creating and producing music?

Oh, and you taught us how to decorate a mean 4th of July parade bike. We are forever indebted to you for that.

Mother's DayI know you love me because…

You listen.

Mother's Day

When I’m exhausted and crying and can’t think straight enough to work through my pain, I call you. Every time. And you listen. And then tell me that I will feel better if I take a shower, and get in bed, and go to sleep because I’m probably exhausted. And that in the morning, things will be easier to sort through and won’t be so scary. And you’ve always been right.

I know you love me because…

You teach me things. Like how to love others.

Leslie, Beau, and Clint

And how to love myself. Even when it’s hard.

toddler LeslieI know you love me because…

We’re buddies.

Mother's DayWe were in the beginning…

Mother's Day

And we are now.

Mom Helping Me with my dressI love you, Mom.

I know I love you because…

You make my life brighter. You make me a better person. You are remarkably beautiful. You care deeply and passionately about your family, this world, and God.

Mom and Leslie

I gave you a run for your money- and you stuck with me. You stuck with all of us. Thanks for being you. I love you. I’m sure I don’t say that enough.

So here it is: I love you, I love you, I love you.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.


  1. Ally Holmes | 11th May 15

    you’re making me start to tear up at work! this is wonderful. we love you, mrs. rosario! <3

    • Leslie | 11th May 15


  2. SharonO | 11th May 15

    Wonderful tribute. You really do have a terrific mom. <3

    • Leslie | 11th May 15

      Thank you 🙂 yep, she’s a keeper!

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