Ikea Round Up

It’s no secret- we love us some Ikea. Don’t believe me? Well, there’s the futon living in our spare bedroom:futon couchwatermark bed

The patio bench outside:Applaro Bench

And the matching patio table (that wooed us with it’s multi-functional abilities):Applaro Drop Leaf TableBut lately there are a few smaller Ikea treasures to be found at the Thomas household too. During our last Ikea trip to bring home our beloved patio table, a few other goodies found their way into our cart as well. In the spirit of keeping things up to speed with what goes on around here, let me take you on a quick tour of the goods!

I always love going to Ikea, if only to see their room designs. My mom always says a trip to Ikea is similar to going to a museum… and I think she’s spot on! In one of the displays, this plant stand caught my eye. Since we’ve been trying to bring the green inside our house, I ended up grabbing one of these to house a heftier plant.

VILDAPEL plant standVILDAPEL plant standAs it turns out, it’s been a great fit and a perfect solution to our pretty, but precarious makeshift plant stand from before.

VILDAPEL plant stand

Second on the list is the new greeting system we’ve installed at our front door. Meaning, we got a new doormat. Remember this one?

wide fr

How about a blurry iphone close-up?Door MatWe were loving the colors back when we were trying to integrate red into our home, but since then, we’ve been wanting something that plays better with the new blue/green scheme. Enter this twine/rope/jute mat:LISEL Door Mat

I was doubtful at first, but this guy has scored big in all categories. Cheap- Definite check. It’s $9.99 price tag had all of the other contenders beat by at least $10. Feel- It’s rough enough to get the dirt off shoes and feet as people come in the door, but also soft enough to walk comfortably on with bare feet. Easy to clean- This mat hides dirt like the best of them! It’s also super easy to vacuum or even shake dirt off of. Size- Due to our funky “foyer” space, we needed something compact enough to fit into the angled space of hard flooring, but also underneath the door as it swings back and forth.

File this next one under “cozy”. I’m a huge fan of throws and blankets- we have three in our family room, tucked over chairs or into baskets. This blue one is really great for the warmer months because it is super soft, but also super lightweight. Mitch was not convinced that we needed it at first, but I think we’ve made a believer of him… it’s a great addition to the family. 🙂GURLI throw

Annnnnd finally, a few pots for our Operation: Live Plants Inside initiative. These (cheap!) galvanized ones are always a crowd pleaser:SOCKER plant pot

I also snagged a few fun white ones (also cheap!):KARDEMUMMA plant pot

But my favorites are these woven ones:FRIDFULL plant pot

They add such great texture to any place I put them and I like that they pull in the natural elements from outside. For some reason, these feel especially summer-y to me…

So that’s it- the Ikea round up! Gotta love a little splurge every so often. What small details are sneaking into your shopping cart these days? Tell me all about it!
