In Mint Condition

As promised, we’re straying from the Easter egg theme (if you missed it, you can catch up on the fun here and here) and “coming back home”. A few weeks ago, you saw the progress on our Upstairs Bathroom. We exchanged the head-to-toe purple for a crisp white and spa blue. Need a reminder? Here’s a quick before/after to jog your memory:

Upstairs Bathroom: BEFORE

Painting the Upstairs Bathroom

Today, I’m back to show you a few of the details that have really helped up the “spa” factor of the room. So far, we’re loving the look and are even tossing around a few other ideas to finish the space completely. But back to the details. You know I love all things teal, turquoise, and mint, so it should be no surprise that our blue bathroom did not escape unscathed. Prepare to have your minty mind blown… here’s what she looks like today:

Upstairs Bath: AFTERAll gussied up for the big reveal! 🙂 To get this look, we purchased and scavenged for all different types of blue glass, towels, and other bathroom necessities. More details, you say? I thought you’d never ask…

Upstairs BathroomWe filled a light blue/green soap dispenser (Target) with regular hand soap, that happened to come in a purplish color that fits right in with the theme. The mirror is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and yes, that’s another blue Mason jar (we own a few). They make the world go round, here at the Thomas household. Recognize that springy look? I’m telling you… you can stretch baby’s breath for miles!

Upstairs BathroomOnto the toilet/medicine cabinet area. We love that bright white, lacy trash can (BBB) and as for the resident atop the toilet? A double decker storage container (also BBB?) that we use to house an army of cotton balls and q-tips. This, flanked by a couple of mint votives, and the toilet is looking like quite the charmer!

Upstairs BathroomThe medicine cabinet got a spa treatment of its own, too! I just rolled up a few washcloths, arranged them in a pyramid, and called it a day. To balance the towels, we added a couple bottles of shower/bath/spa stuff and another votive.

Upstairs BathroomUpstairs BathroomFeel like “Pure Paradise” to you? We hope so!

Upstairs BathroomIf we do a 180, you can see the towel situation we have going on here:

Upstairs BathroomUpstairs BathroomAll of our towels (bath towels, wash cloths, hand towels, bathmats) hail from BBB and although we don’t usually leave the bathmat on the floor, it took center stage for its moment in the spotlight. And no, our towels don’t stay this “put together” all of the time… we’re humans too. We like that the towels don’t exactly match the color of the walls, which doesn’t exactly match the floor mat, which is not identical to the votives, etc. etc. A mix of spa-like blues is what we’re going for here…

Speaking of floor mat, let me introduce you to one of our favorite room details:

Upstairs BathroomThe mat came from Target and is a bit greener than some of the other details in the space, but again- we love that each piece goes together, but is not totally matchy. Also, the print makes my heart flutter. 🙂

So there you have it- enough mint details to last you until your next pack of gum! And just for good measure, one last shot for the day:

Upstairs BathroomA few things we’re still simmering on:

  • To paint or not to paint the vanity?
  • What should go above the towel racks?
  • Is there a way we could squeeze any more storage space out of this room?

And your behind the scenes fun fact for the day: Our minty spa bathroom is not the first in the family. Just take a hike over to my mom’s house… or my Aunt Becky’s house- we’re all sporting the look! It’s all the rage and apparently, the love of blues runs in the family. 🙂

Until next time, enjoy “the fun of it” today… whatever that means for you!


PS. Don’t forget to cast your vote and help us out with our Kitchen Cabinet puzzle!