Reader Feature: Kristin’s Curtains

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I’m super excited about today’s post because it features something that is not in our home… which means we’re going on a road trip!!! Remember my friend Kristin (from this post)? She’s the one who just recently moved into her first house with her husband, Alex. Here they are:

Kristin's Curtains

They are currently renovating and revamping their new home and I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse at one of my favorite things they’ve done so far. Here’s their dining room when they first moved in- great space with awesome natural light.

Kristin's Curtains

Kristin wanted to do a little something different with the curtains, so she went with an industrial vibe. Check them out!

Kristin's Curtains

For the curtain rods, she used metal pipes from Lowes. A word to the wise: if you’re going to replicate the look, you should be forewarned that the attachment that is used to hang them on the wall is called a “nipple”. Kristin had a hysterical account of having to ask the Lowes representatives where the 1/2″ nipples were kept. Hah!

There’s a strong possibility that that is only funny if you’re a third grade boy. Or me, I guess. 🙂

Kristin's Curtains

Kristin's Curtains

The navy and white panels came from Target and the white sheers were the curtains left behind by the previous owners that she bleached and washed to make just like new. To hang the sheers just inside the window, Kristin used a simple tension rod inside the window frame.

Kristin's Curtains

What a difference the new look makes in the room! Kristin commented on how the space instantly felt more homey as soon as they were up. And I have to agree- they look beautiful. 🙂

Kristin's Curtains

Actually, the neat part about them is that they’re a little bit of everything. The pipes-as-rods are definitely industrial, but the patterns on the curtains feel like a mix of traditional meets modern white, and the whole ensemble has a little bit of a coastal feel with the navy/white combo. Love it. Every bit of it. Great job Kris!

We might be tagging along with Kristin and Alex as they continue to revamp their new home- it’ll be fun to keep tabs on them as they make progress. For now… Any curtain combo twists happening at your house? What is your go-to with curtains? White? Patterned? Bright colors? Leave your thoughts in the comments!