Mantel of the Month: Spring Edition

The truth is, we are enjoying this mantel set up so much that I just couldn’t confine it to “the May Mantel” because, let’s face it, we’ll probably have it up well into June. Fortunately, the good thing about this set-up is that it can easily be tweaked or added to for some quick change- ups as we enter into the summer months without restructuring the whole thing. So, with that, I bring you:diy spring mantel

Step 1: Find a base. I recycled our folded white table cloth from the April Mantel– just a quick brush-off and straightening later and she was ready for her May debut!april mantel 006

Step 2: Watermelon, baby. The “theme”/ color scheme for this display is a pink and green combo. It’s a mash-up of some Mother’s Day hues and spring-y greens. You can grab a few of these playful pink pails (say that three times fast) for a few bucks each at Target:may 018

And as for the green, you can peel off the labels of a few glass bottles and you’re ready to go! I found a whole set of ’em at a thrift store (for less than $1 a piece-hooray!), so I was more than happy to pass on the drink buying and sticker removal process.may 015

Step 3: Plant it. I stuck a few plants we had around the house in the pails and went to work arranging each side of the mantel to be a balanced, but not symmetrical layout.may 012

Step 4: The devil’s in the details. To keep everything from being too flat-looking, I added some hits of silver on each side with a galvanized pot and a silvery candle holder.may 001

Remember our friend, Mr. Snail? He even got a spot, front and center…may 002

As I said before, we’re expecting to leave this display up for a few months, making small changes here and there to bring in some summer-y elements as well. But for now, I’ll leave you with a few full-view shots to top things off…may 008 may 010

Happy Friday, everyone! Have a fun weekend! I’m off to mentally and physically (aka. take a nap) prepare for an all-night laser tag trip with the youth group this weekend… yep, you read that right- ALL NIGHT. Let me paint this picture for you: the event starts at 11pm and ends at 6am. Score a point for Youth Ministry.
