M&L… And Yellow Turtles

Hey, all. I owe you an apology. My posting has been sporadic, at best, lately. The ministry (where I work) has been in full gear this summer with week-long trips sprinkled here and there. Sometimes that makes it hard to come through with regular posting, so my deepest apologies! Rest assured, though… there are big things in the works from new crafty projects to shoot and write up, progress in the spare bedroom and office, new ideas for the master bedroom, and a complete room overhaul for the downstairs bathroom. There are so many projects in mid-progress and so many posts in mid-publication that when this all goes down, it will be a tidal wave of blog fun. So stay tuned. And thank you for your patience. You rock. 🙂

On that note, here’s a post that has been sitting in my Drafts for.ever…. you know, to keep with today’s theme and all. 🙂

This is sad. Shameful, really. I realized that I COMPLETELY forgot to show you how the inside of the corner cabinet in the foyer turned out after my painting escapade. Don’t have any idea what I’m talking about? Well, I’m not surprised and it’s totally not your fault because I shared this makeover a solid FOUR MONTHS AGO. Whoops, sorry for the total lack of follow up.

Painting the Corner Cabinet Navy

Once upon a time, we bought a corner cabinet for our “foyer” (you can read all about that here) and then painted it white, with a navy interior (here’s that story). It was awesome.

Painting the Corner Cabinet Navy

Except that I never finished the story, so here it goes…

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It’s decorated!

I chose things that would really pop against that dark background- lots of whites and bright colors. Here’s the top shelf… purely decor:


The framed picture is a shot that one of our friends took and gifted to us for our wedding. The painted plaque is from a trip to Puerto Rico we took a few years ago and the little twine-wrapped votive (cough, baby food jar) was one of the many scattered all over the reception venue at our wedding. So many memories on that top shelf!

As for the bottom… a little bit of function, a little bit of decor. We keep our keys, pool passes, and the occasional pair of shades in that little bowl… a souvenir we brought home from our Honeymoon in Mexico!

Styling the Corner CabinetAnd the little turtle keeps our spirits up with his sunny yellow charm. Here’s a quick tip… At a yard sale with a lot of kids toys, but don’t have any kids of your own? Don’t pass that table or blanket by without taking a quick glance! This turtle is actually a child’s toy… you know the rubbery ones that look real? All I did was hit him with a few coats of yellow spray paint and now he can pull double duty as a statement piece or paperweight!

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And finally, my favorite shelf… the ‘ole metal letters. I grabbed a few of these at Michaels awhile back and have been in love with them ever since. It’s a fun mix of sentimental and style.

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So there you have it, our cabinet all dressed up! The only thing missing is something for the very top… I can’t quite figure out what to put up there. At one point, we had a plant that kind of hung down a little bit… but that died, so I’m back to square one. Any suggestions?

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