In the garden, that is. And in honor of Earth Day, I figured what better time to share with you? Earlier this week when I went out the backdoor for my run, I found THIS!
Things are blooming back there!
But it was looking a little scary, what with all of the dead branches and weeds.
Soooo I decided to do a little beautifying. Nothing huge, no new plants just yet, but I wanted to make it look at least a little presentable. First I pulled all of the weeds and dead stuff out.
Followed by a bit of “tilling” the soil…
And last but not least, I planted a few tulip bulbs that had been given to us as Easter gifts so that next year, they can join the blooming party!
Here’s what the garden is looking like post-makeover. 🙂
Hooray for clean lines and pretty colors (albeit the crazy washed out iphone pics)! It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely a start and it’s nice to get things cleaned up back there, at the very least. Getting this job done makes me want to forge ahead and tackle some of the other scary spots in the backyard. Like the looming pile under the pine tree of stuff that cannot fit in our storage unit for the winter season. Yiiiiiikes.
Or the mess by the AC unit…
On a happier note, remember how I thought the clematis that I planted to create a “living wall” was done for? It pretty much looked dead for oh, ALL of last year’s spring and summer. I had given up on it, but check out what I found the other day!
GREEN SHOOTS! There was some jumping up and down on my part. 🙂
These early spring blooms are so much fun and it only gets better from here on out! I can’t wait to get it looking more like the full and vibrant summer garden of last year…
Happy Earth Day!