Office and Desk Reveal!

About time, huh? If you’re an avid Oh, the Fun reader, you know one things… we’ve been working on the “new” office for EONS. Seriously, E-Ons. But, happy day- it’s DONE! And you get to see it it today!

If you’re just now tuning in (welcome!), you’re probably feeling lost. Alone and afraid. But don’t worry- there’s an app for that. (har, har) There’s also a recap, so let’s take a turn down memory lane shall we and catch you up! This is was our spare bedroom…

Spare Bedroom

It once had a closet (that one there on the left).

Spare Bedroom

The closet was hard to access and frustrating to use. Oh, and the layout of the room itself just didn’t work for us anymore. We tried a bunch of different arrangements (you can see one of those escapades here), but it always came down to the same thing: we needed more space! Time to think a little outside the box.

So we took the doors off the closet to create an office “nook” (full post here).

No Doors (Spare Closet)

And then made some plans for how we’d use the closet space (full post here).

Spare Closet PlanningWe added some bamboo blinds for concealed storage (full post here)…

Spare Closet Bamboo Blinds

and a curtain rod and curtain for more concealed storage (full post here).

Spare Closet Curtain

From there it was desk planning time (full post here)!

Building a Desk in the Spare Closet

We painted and stained the pieces (full post here)…

Building a Desk- Spare Closet Office

and then put it all together to make a built in desk (full post here)!

Building a Desk- Spare Closet Office

The last step- or Chapter, as we’ve been calling them- we saw here on the ‘ole blog was how I whitewashed the bamboo blinds (full post here). I didn’t love how brown they were, so I gave them a new gray/whitewashed makeover.

Whitewashing the Bamboo Blinds

Oh, and you might have noticed that somewhere along the line, we painted the room white. (full post here)

Painting the Spare Room

And then, of course, this morning I showed you our little gold knobs!

Office Desk Finished!

AND NOW. It’s time for it big reveal… the moment it all comes together. What is this… Chapter 11? Good grief. Well, here’s how she looks today. All sparkly and fresh and new.

Office Desk Finished!-012

And FINISHED! Here’s the view further back…

Office Desk Finished!

On the shelf above the desk, we added metal baskets to house craft and office supplies. Let me tell you something about these baskets (you saw a sneak peek of them here)… these buggers were NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to track down. I had very specific parameters for the metal baskets I wanted. They had to be part wire-sided, part enclosed if you know what I mean. Wire for the style and enclosed to hide the mess inside. Oh, and I didn’t want a fabric insert… I know, #basketdiva.

Metal Basket From HomeGoods

These guys were some of the only ones that fit the bill and they were $8 a pop at HomeGoods. The only problem is that it is super challenging to find much of anything in bulk at HomeGoods. Thanks to family members and friends scoping out their local stores, we were able to get four of them for the project.

Spray Painting the Office Baskets

They came in that gray and I gave them a few coats of mint spray paint to give them some character and make them pop against our dark stained shelf.

Office Desk Finished!-008

Office Desk Finished!

The desk paraphernalia came from a hodge podge of places. The pencil holder/paper sorter is from Target, the white box that holds paper clips, rubber bands, and flash drives is from HomeGoods, and the stapler and tape are a DIY project. Super easy and you can check out the how-to in this morning’s post.

Office Desk Finished!I also grabbed a minty trash can from the dollar aisle at Target…

Office Desk Finished!-011

And some snazzy pencils, just to celebrate finally finishing this project. Aren’t they so fun?!

Office Desk Finished!-013

In the end, I love how it all came together. It feels clean and organized and fun. 🙂

Office Desk Finished!

Is it 100% complete? Nope (is anything in our house 100% complete?)… but it’s definitely close enough to call finished. I’d still love to find a desk lamp that is battery powered (there are no outlets in the closet)… how cool would it be to find a gold one? If you find any, pass on the link! Also, who knows what will happen with that curtain. For now, we’re using what we have, but at any point in time it could be swapped out for something white or maybe a bold pattern. Finally, we’re still on the hunt for a chair. For now, we’re using the one from our old desk, but it really is too low, so when the right one comes along… well, you’ll hear about it. 🙂

Office Desk Finished!-012

And that’s the office, friends! Thanks for your patience as we got our act together to finally get this one up on the blog. You guys rock.

Psst. In other news, send us those questions for Wedding Week (next week!). We’re playing a game where we’ll answer all of the Mitch vs. Leslie questions… (Ex. Who is messier? Who is most likely to…? Which of you…?) Comment below with a question and it might be included in the game!