“Oh, the Fun of It” Is Taking a Road Trip!


… over to a fellow blogger’s world to be featured for an interview!! Cool, huh?

I know, I know- the title of this post and the picture above are a bit misleading… but nevertheless, we’re pretty pumped about this little adventure 🙂

This is going down sometime in May (we’ll keep you posted when it actually happens), but we are super thrilled to join up with Chelsea over at Pinterior Designer! She is so willingly hosting us for a blogger interview and we can’t WAIT!

Would you do me a favor and send her some love… check her out- she’s got some really great projects happening over there and we are crazy excited to team up with her for a bit! I can guarantee that once you see her blog, you’ll be inspired to try some kind of crafty project yourself…

Thanks, Chelsea! Looking forward to working together 🙂

Have a great weekend, everyone!
