Operation De-Wallpaper: Bathroom RENO

I think we’re about due to reveal another sliver of our renovation heaven… in the form of our downstairs bathroom! We inherited this bathroom in really great shape, just covered in wallpaper from head to toe. Not terrible (it actually looked nice!), but not quite our style.

down bath before downstairs bath before

The first thing we did was remove all of the fixtures, hardware, and wallpaper. Towel rack, toilet paper holder, and shelving unit above the toilet came down, followed by all of the wall paper. Unlike the kitchen, this wallpaper was SUPER easy to peel off… something the peelers were thankful for!

house 068

Up next was spackling and priming the walls. No pictures of this step. This may have been because we had to do little to no spackling (thank you, Step 1) and ended up moving quickly through this part of the process. And finally, we got to paint! I also have no pictures of this step, mostly because it was finished before I could get over there with a camera to document (this was happening at the same time that a lot of the rest of the house was transforming, so I was racing around trying to get shots of everything).

Let’s talk color: Up until this point, every other room of the house seemed to be on the same spectrum of colors (yellows, blues, tans, whites), but with the bathroom, we wanted to try something different. As previously mentioned, we gravitate toward specific colors. Don’t believe me? This is what I found when I stood up from my chair after sifting through paint chips…house 104

Yeah, it’s bad. To see some of our favorite colors in action, check out our yellow kitchen, teal Spare Bedroom, and minty blue Upstairs BathSo now when I say “outside our color comfort zone”, you know what I mean. For the Downstairs Bathroom, we decided to go with a gray (Behr “Subtle Touch” from Home Depot). At first we weren’t sure how it was going to turn out, but we love it!valentine's day 150valentine's day 152I realize that these pictures make the color look really purple-y (and it does have a lavender tint to it in person), but here’s a shot that shows off the gray a bit more.house pics 005

After seeing how soothing the gray looked, I wanted to continue with that color scheme. We swapped the wooden hardware out for sleek silver, found a brushed nickel mirror, and hung some floating shelves.house pics 024

The medicine cabinet (a few pictures up) over the toilet was taken from the Upstairs Bath, sanded down, and painted in Behr Ultra White for a crisp, white contrast against the gray walls. Something on our radar is the “everything is now blending together” effect that the paint seems to have on the room. Although we really like the color and finishes of the hardware, I’m itching to do something about that gray/purple counter top to infuse a bit more interest into the space. We’ll see how that goes…

Still on our To-Do List:

  • Make and install cabinet system below sink for extra storage
  • Paint under-sink cabinets white
  • Tile counter (or figure out another way to change up the formica counter top)
  • Repaint ceiling (We had a candle mishap that led to some off-colored spots)
  • Decide how to organize the inside of the medicine cabinet (this one is relatively empty, while others in the house are overflowing, so some organization is in order)

Ever been pleasantly surprised with a color outside of your comfort zone? Us too 🙂



  1. Robin Rancilio | 20th Aug 14

    Love the pops of Pink in there 🙂

    • Oh, the Fun of It | 20th Aug 14

      Thanks Robin 🙂 And thanks for taking the time to stop by!!

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