Operation: Taming the Back- Part 2

Psst! Read Part 1 here!

I’m baaaaaaack. Happy to see me? I guess that answer depends on how much you like yard work.

Although, I’m a firm believer that you can hate yard work, but not mind watching someone else do it. Much like I don’t enjoy running, but I have no problem watching them rock out mile after mile on the Biggest Loser. As I sit with my popcorn and bowl of ice cream. 🙂 Except sans ice cream right now, due to our gruesome “no sweets” challenge. Grrr….

Ok, we’re getting off topic. Let’s get back to the yard. Can I just say that I’m exhausted? Cleaning patio furniture and pulling out weeds is not fun. Or relaxing. But the end result is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. The last we saw this morning, things were looking like this:

Halfway Point

And I had a to-do list for the afternoon:

To Do

  1. Clean the furniture
  2. Weed the patio
  3. Arrange the furniture for real
  4. Decorate

First thing I tackled was the furniture cleaning. I had 12 pieces to clean (here are past posts about the Ikea Applaro bench, table, and reclining chairs, the black Target chairs, and the thrifted bench) and all I did was spray them down with the hose to clean off the pollen and then scrub them with warm, soapy water and a sponge.

Washing the Furniture

Another quick spray and then I hauled them off the patio and into the sun to dry while I tackled the weeds. Oh, and before I forget- even the bar cart cleaned right up!

Bar Cart Before and After

Before the de-weeding started, the patio looked like this:

Weeds on the Patio

Yup, brick paver with a side of leafy green. Let me just tell you- those buggers are a pain in the butt, so if anyone has and brilliant tips or tricks to kill them off, I’m all ears. For now, I just resorted to Pandora, a bucket, and pulling them up with my bare hands. #weedwarrior

Hard work, but the end result was totally worth the dirt under my fingernails, scrapes from the brick, and muddy knees and shins.

All Clean!

At this point, the furniture was completely dry so I jumped in the shower to get the dirt off and then went back out to start phase three- arranging! The fun part.

Setting up the Furniture

Nothing crazy- same layout as last year. Hey, if it works, don’t fix it. And really, there are not too many different furniture combinations that would work in our little square of a patio. So we think we’ve found the best solution and we’re sticking with it.

s Backyard Reclining Chairs Bench, Fireplace, and Chair

And finally (finally!) it was time to put out the fun stuff- umbrella, pillows, cushions, all the accessories that makes the backyard one of my favorite spaces when it’s all “up and running”.

Backyard Accessories

Oh, and we can’t forget the lights! Or magical fairies… whichever you prefer. 🙂

D Backyard Recliners Backyard Table


Ahhhh, ’tis the season to be outside ALL THE TIME. If the wood pile weren’t drenched from my furniture-spraying escapade, I might have even had myself a fire tonight. Alas, we have the whole season.


Happy Friday!

PS. We are now on year TWO with all of our patio furniture. A lot of you have been asking about how the Ikea Applaro pieces are holding up, what we like about them/don’t like a year in, etc. I’m working on a one year review of the products we purchased, so stay tuned if you’re in the market for a patio table/bench/chairs and want the low down!