Otto the Box

Look guys, I apologize in advance for the corniness of that title. It’s bad and I know it.

I figured that it’s been some time since we bought our beloved ottomans (now you’re groaning at the title, huh? me too.) for the family room, but we never showed you what we ended up storing inside of them. So consider this a quickie update on what’s been living in our two storage ottomans for the last, oh… FOUR MONTHS. Psst. You can read all about how we chose them here and what they now look like in the room here

Styling the Shelves in the Family Room

Storage Ottomans

When we first got them, I threw a couple things in there so you could get an idea of how big they were in comparison to random things I found around the house.

Storage Ottomans

Obviously, that’s not what we actually ended up storing in there. The first one now carries a bunch of our nick nacks- things that make their way on and off shelves, tables, and the mantel. It is super helpful having them all in one place so if I’m looking for something to add to a vignette, I don’t have to look far. Also, I am constantly amazed at just how much stuff these ottomans hold! There are at least 3-4 layers of things in there…

Ottoman 2

The second is where we stash any jars, pots, candle holders, etc. Again, super helpful to have it all corralled in one spot that’s not far from where we’d use this stuff.

Ottoman 1Annnnnnd, in the spirit of keeping it real around here, this is an accurate depiction of what these guys look like a lot of the time…

Messy OttomanHah! Don’t worry- we’ve got our piles too. #everywhere 🙂

So now tell me, where are your secret stashes? A bin under the couch (we’ve got one of those too)? A decorative box on a shelf? Spill!