Our Tiny Tree (and DIY Wood Slice Ornaments)

Psst… we’re working through some technical difficulties with the pictures. If you could leave a comment below whether or not they are loading properly for you, that would be so helpful! Thanks!

This year’s Christmas has a different tone to it… we’re embracing the simple and finding wonder in the small. And so far, it has been such a breath of fresh air! Instead of cutting down our usual live tree (you can see last year’s tree here), we’ve opted for something a little smaller scale. Not to worry, we still kept with the annual tradition of going to the tree farm with my parents! This year, we helped them pick out and decorate their tree…

Thanksgiving 2015

…but decided to go the tabletop version for ourselves.

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Isn’t it cute?! I love how simple and festive it feels.

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When all the lights are turned off, with just a few candles lit, that little corner of the room looks so very magical. The tree itself was one from my parents house- my brothers and I each had a mini tree for our rooms growing up- I think they came from Home Depot way back when. We just added a strand of white lights and some DIY (faux) Wood Slice ornaments to finish off the look!

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A few weeks ago, I picked up these wooden circle tags from Target (a pack of six for $1!!), thinking I’d make some kind of garland or turn them into ornaments. On one side they are painted, but the other side has a smooth wood finish. They ended up being the perfect size for our tiny tree, so ornaments it was! To make these, you’ll need some type of wooden disc, a pencil, a Sharpie, and some twine.

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I Googled some Christmas-y silhouette images for inspiration and then just free handed them in Sharpie. Word to the wise… start in pencil and then follow up with the Sharpie. You’d think that would be common sense, but it took me a few mess ups to learn my lesson. 🙂

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By the end, I had a whole slew of adorable “rustic cabin”-esque ornaments. Finish them off with some twine loops and hang them up!

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I love the way the little tree lights twinkle and light up the pictures and words on the ornaments.

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A few of my favorites… This guy is such a fun (and trendy!) symbol of winter.

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And this one, reminding me to take it easy and rest in the Peace of Christ this season… so hard to remember when the to-do list is so long!

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And finally, the star of the show and the guest of honor at the biggest birthday party in the world…

2015 Christmas Tree and Ornaments

What’s your tree looking like this year? Did you go for a color scheme? Maybe you have a whole slew of ornaments with stories and memories associated with them? Anyone else do a bit of rustic this year? Tell me about it… I love to hear from you!


  1. Cheryl Kurpiel | 17th Dec 15

    Pics not coming up for me….

    • Leslie | 17th Dec 15

      Hmm ok thanks! None of them?

  2. Cindy | 17th Dec 15

    Most of the pictures loaded, but three did not. Let me know if it’s helpful to know which ones.

    • Leslie | 17th Dec 15

      Ok thanks! Will do!

  3. Summer | 17th Dec 15

    I can see all the pictures!

    • Leslie | 17th Dec 15

      Awesome… Thanks!

  4. Fran Rosario | 22nd Dec 15

    All pictures loaded for me – Thanks!

    • Leslie | 22nd Dec 15

      Thanks Dad! I think I managed to fix the problem so it’s good to hear it’s working.

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