Thrill of the Week: Pin Up

As you saw earlier this week (check it out here), we’ve completed Phase 1 of Mission: Kitchen Command Center. As we continue to add receipts, coupons, and shopping lists, it is becoming evident that having a place to organize things really helps with our crazy weekly routine. Our…

A Spring Wreath (and a video!)

A quick note about this post: Apologies in advance for the lack of “finished and hanging on the front door” photos! Our front door happens to have our house number right where the wreath hangs (it actually frames the number nicely 🙂 ), so for this reason, it’s…

Cork in the Cabinets

Well, two of them, that is. If you recall (awhile back), we had been dreaming of some sort of kitchen command center to put a bit of order to the lists, coupons, and mail that seems to be ever-accumulating into piles on our counters. The plan was to add…