An Enchanted Princess On the Side Of the Road…

… has very little to do with today’s post. 🙂 BUT, we wanted to show you some of the progress that we’ve made in the nursery and yes, an Enchanted Princess does make a guest appearance. Let’s back up, though. A few weeks ago, I…

A Navy & Coral Nursery For Baby

We’re talking NURSERY today! Probably the number one questions I get asked as of late is “Have you started the nursery yet?”. Along those same lines… “How’s the nursery coming?”, “What does the baby’s room look like?&#8221…

2016 Outdoor Tour (& To-Do List)

We’ve shown you a lot of the inside of our house, but not so much of the outdoors… well, today’s your day because we’re taking things OUTSIDE! The yard situation of this house definitely has its pros and cons. More pros than cons…