Hey All! Please note that the majority of the lovely photos in this post were taken by our very talented friend, Hannah Choi. Check out her website and show her some love… she’s awesome! Last month, I gave you a few snapshots of a big day in…
Hey, all. I owe you an apology. My posting has been sporadic, at best, lately. The ministry (where I work) has been in full gear this summer with week-long trips sprinkled here and there. Sometimes that makes it hard to come through with regular posting, so my deepest apologies…
You know you’re destined to be a fashion designer if you: a) spent most of your childhood making clothes for your Barbie dolls instead of playing with your friends; b) read fashion magazines instead of your school books; c) ran a boutique out of your basement at age 10. In other words: if you want to be the next Yves Saint Laurent, it helps to be completely and utterly obsessed with fashion.
Working as a fashion designer can just as well mean supervising a design team at a sportswear company as producing a label under your own name. Although the former career may not seem as glamorous as the latter,