A Week in Florida- Our Trip Itinerary

So you already know we’re headed to Florida for vacation this year… Although we’re still a ways out from our trip to the Sunshine state, we’ve had most of the details planned out for awhile now! Can you tell we’re excited…

New Life

In the garden, that is. And in honor of Earth Day, I figured what better time to share with you? Earlier this week when I went out the backdoor for my run, I found THIS! Things are blooming back there! But it was looking a little scary, what with all…

How to Throw a Bridal Shower (and Survive to Tell the Tale)

WOW. It’s been a week. Full of fun and games, but guys- I’m exhausted. So we’re going to wrap up the fiesta and bring the party train back to the station (at least for now- the wedding’s in June you know). Consider…