Reader Feature: Nancy’s Laundry Room

In the spirit of last week’s laundry room madness, we have a special guest project to highlight today! Hip hip HOORAY!!! Nancy is a good friend of mine from back in my days working at Ocean Grove, NJ in the summers (best.job.ever.) and she sent us…

Boxy Blooms

Last week we had a really good snow. Like the kind that gives everyone (well, most people) a snow day and makes you want to hunker down, stay inside, and wrap yourself in every blanket in the house. Mitch and I did just that as we worked from home, keeping…

Resolution Reality Check

I recently heard that by this time in the year, most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t know where I heard that, but the funny thing is, the date that my mystery source referenced was actually March 10th. So I…