Balloons and Paranoia

Is that not a terrifying post title? Hah. Don’t worry- it’s just a few Youth Group games. 🙂 We played these with our kiddos this past week and had a lot of fun with them, so I figured I’d pass them on to any others…

Winterizing the Patio

Obviously, winter is upon us. In the spirit of the snow storm that’s coming our way (any other NE people out there?), we’ve got a wintry post for ya today. I’m happy as a clam with the impending doom snow- it could snow every…

Styling the Shelves in the Family Room (with a VIDEO!)

Doesn’t a post just get infinitely more exciting with the word “video” attached to it? Crazy. This is an all-around exciting day, though, because we’re finally getting to the finished product of those shelves we built in the family room. Hooray! If you…