I realized something… all last week, the glory and excitement revolved mainly around finishing the cabinet under the downstairs bathroom sink, painting said cabinet, and giving the counter top a much needed marble makeover. All good things. Buuuut… we also painted!
I guess sometimes a simple paint job can be boring to read about? Sorry, but this blog is all about the things we do to and around the house (plus life and work and family and… ok, it’s an everything blog) and that means I will now regale you will with tales of the painting procedure. #yourewelcome
Originally, we were going to do a white planked wall and a light blue ceiling in this space. I’m still loving that idea and it might come to fruition someday, but I really wanted a “finished” canvas to show off the newly made over cabinet and counter top. The holes in the wall just weren’t cutting it.
So I used some metal drywall patches, spackled, and painted over them.
Here’s the fresh, clean slate…
I painted the ceiling that same gray color because awhile ago, soot from a candle made a mess on our white ceiling and it has needed to be painted ever since. You also might notice that we took down the floating shelves? As nice as they were, sometimes it felt a little claustrophobic in there and the ledges with things that could fall down on you as you’re trying to wash your hands were not helping. Maybe some artwork in their place?
Oh, and just to keep things real… here’s what’s happening just out of frame:
Working on some new lighting… details to come! All that to say, things are feeling fresh and clean in there and now there’s not as much of a rush to execute lofty plans to cover the gaping holes from our renovation escapades. Anything to enable my laziness, friends.
Happy Thursday, friends! A few days ago, I mentioned that Mitch and I were taking…
September 3, 2015