Put It On the Calendar…

Last year (last year already?!) I shared the calendar that we have hanging on our fridge. Here’s the thing- we don’t really use a calendar (everything is on our phones), but it has been a surprisingly cheerful addition to our kitchen! And actually, sometimes it’s nice to have it there if we need a quick “what day of the week is the 21st?” question answered. But let’s be real- it’s mostly for show. 🙂

2014 Thomas Family Calendar

I make our calendars using Shutterfly– it’s easy, they have fun layouts and backgrounds, and their products are always good quality. I’m a huge Shutterfly fan in general (you can check out our Share Site here), but I have a special spot in my heart for a good Shutterfly calendar. Nope, they don’t pay, perk, or sponsor us to write nice things… just sharing because we love those orange packages! There’s something so fun about having a new and exciting design and slew of pictures to look at every month. We’ve found that it’s a nice way to remember some of the things that have happened throughout the year.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

So being that it’s already February… it’s time to share our brand new one! It came in the mail a couple weeks ago and we hung that baby up right away (as it was already mid-way through January when I sat down to do it!) so we could enjoy the last few days of the month before it was time to flip the page.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

For our calendars, I try and use pictures of things that happen in that specific month on the actual month’s page. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not. For instance- I grabbed a shot from our wedding (Sept. 2013) for February as a nod to the season of romance.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

But for September I did end up using a few pictures from our One Year photos, which was fitting…

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

And a few more for November because they definitely have a fall feel to them.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

Another neat thing about this year’s is that there are pictures of other people than just us. I tried to get a shot to represent each of our families- in July, we have a photo of my family celebrating the 4th at the Bay.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

And in August, we’ve got us with Mitch’s sister and nephew doing summery things.

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

And finally, in December, I was able to include our Christmas tree from this past year, as well as a shot of each family around the holidays. So fun!

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

Superlative Time… The favorite page award (for both Mitch and I) goes to… APRIL!

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

Something about the ombre-meets-honeycomb just gets me. So there you have it- our calendar for the year. I decided that I’m going to keep all of them, even after we finish with them because I think that it’ll be neat to have a box full of our memories throughout the years… and they’re just so gosh darn pretty that it’s hard to throw them away! I’m not usually one for holding onto things (clean it out and make more room!), but these will stay I think. 🙂

2015 Thomas Family Calendar

So are you calendar people? Do you make your own or use one that comes with those gorgeous nature-scapes?