Quick, How Do We Hide These Doors?

Get ready for a bunch of really old photos and some sneaky DIY using only what we had… this is going to be a wrinkly ride! You’ll see what I mean by that in a minute. 🙂

Once upon a time, we took the doors off of our Spare Room closet to turn it into a desk (you can read all about that here and see the finished product here). Since we knew we didn’t want to completely eliminate the option of sometime turning the space back into a closet, we kept the doors. The problem with that is that our cozy little house does not lend itself well to storing extra things, especially if they are big and bulky and hard to move around. For the mean time, we decided to store the doors behind the futon, where they stayed hidden and out of sight. That is until…

Making a Headboard (2)

One weekend, we were scheduled to have some overnight guests and needed to convert the futon into a bed, but in doing so, we had to reveal our dirty little secret.

Making a Headboard (3)

Then, in a stroke of (what I like to call) brilliance, we realized that we could get crafty and make a completely free and completely temporary headboard out of them! All it took was tossing a patterned sheet over the doors and tucking in the edges to make the whole thing look like a headboard. If we had more time and wanted it to be a more permanent solution, I’d go ahead an iron it and use a staple gun to secure the edges in the back.

Making a Headboard (5)

Heck, I’d argue that if you have a sheet you don’t mind giving up (thrift stores are good options for this kind of stuff), a piece of plywood (or even a piece of sturdy cardboard to really go the cost-effective route), and a staple gun, you could whip up a decent headboard in no time!

Making a Headboard (1)

If nothing else, this has been a great way to hide the doors when we need the bed-version of the futon. Seeing as I’ve been thinking about ways to make a headboard for this space anyway, we’re killing two birds with one stone!

Making a Headboard (7)

Whew, that’s a lot of blue… remember those days when the Spare was teal? For those of you just tuning in, we’ve since painted it a neutral white and have been loving the fresh new hue (you can see it here and here)!

So there you have it… a no-cost, spur of the moment DIY. Hooray for using what ya got. 🙂 Anyone else out there throw something together with things around the house and end up being pleasantly surprised with the outcome? Share with the class!