Reader Feature: Julie’s Corner Hutch

It feels weird to call her Julie. Because I know her as something different. To me, she’s mom. So we’ll just call her mom, okay? 🙂 Let me introduce you to the woman who threw the best birthday parties (I should do a post on one of those someday), the person who taught me how to properly clean a bathroom, and the one I call first when I’m having a meltdown (her advice is always spot on- usually something like “Well, first off, it sounds like you’re tired. You need to go get a shower, get in bed and go to sleep, and I guarantee that this won’t seem so bad in the morning”… she’s always been right about that, by the way). Meet my mommy:

Mom and Leslie

Isn’t she beautiful? Grrr… the woman does not age.

ANYHOO. My mom and I have similar tastes. We both love light, airy colors (we’ll have to House Crash her pad sometime… you’ll probably see a lot of similarities between our decorating styles), nature and natural elements, and we can always be found dreaming up the next project for the house. Much to Mitch and my dad’s dismay… MWAHAHA. 🙂

Being so similar, it’s no surprise that her latest project had me drooling. AND, since earlier this week I shared our corner cabinet that got a little lovin’ from Neptune, I figured it was only fitting to shine a light on Mom’s corner cabinet project.

They’ve had this piece of furniture (it’s not really a cabinet, more like a hutch) for as long as I can remember. I believe it was my mom’s grandmother’s??? Correct me if I’m wrong, mom. It is a really beautiful piece with shelving on the bottom and gorgeous wooden detailing (and more shelving) up top. The funny thing is, there is nary a great “before” picture to be had of this little fella. But my mom was able to track this one down:

Hutch BeforeYou get the idea. It’s a really neat piece. However, it wasn’t in the greatest shape and my mom was looking for a way to lighten that corner of the room, so she decided to paint it! She chose a muted blue/green-ish color and opted to only paint the inside of the bottom portion (leaving the shelves themselves wood) and the wooden detailing up top. After taping off the parts she wanted to protect, a coat or two in looked like this:

Hutch DuringHow cool, right? And the finished product really does bring a whole new feel to that corner of the room.

Hutch AfterHere’s the bottom (complete with some spring and Easter-y decorations):

Hutch BottomAnd that awesome top portion with the swirly, twirly woodworking…

Hutch TopSo what do you think? Didn’t she knock this one out of the park? The contrast between the painted parts and the wood makes my heart skip a few beats. And that woodworking portion in blue? Don’t even get me started. Needless to say, I LOVE the transformation. Great job, Mom!

Hutch AfterAre you feeling inspired? Better yet, do you have a project that you’ve done that you’d be willing to share with the class? We want to see!!! Click HERE to tell us more about your project (or room transformation, craft, or other DIY) and YOU could be our next Reader Feature!


  1. Fran Rosario | 27th Mar 15

    Wow! Now that I’m looking at pictures of beautiful furniture in my house, I guess I should go over to that corner and enjoy it some more. Do you think those shelves can hold tools?

    • Leslie | 27th Mar 15

      Hah! They probably could Dad, but you’d have to check with the boss on that one. 🙂

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