Real Talk

You guys are our friends and family… those who have loved and cared for us in more ways than we can ever count or name back to you. Some of you have known us since day one (hey moms!), others have been a part of our life ever since we can remember, and still others we’ve found along the way, some through this very blog. Thanks for being in our lives. Thanks for caring enough to follow along on our journey. It has been such a special week thinking back to our wedding and you have made the celebration that much brighter.

I wanted to share a few things with you today, because we are partners in this thing we call life, you and us. The original plan was to show you the wedding video- and I know a lot of you are super excited to see it (so are we!). You will get to see it. Just not today…

Sometimes things don’t go as you plan. My brother and his wife are in the midst of a really tough battle to buy their house. It’s a short sale. It has been turned over to the bank, who is coming up with a new list of near impossible things for them to produce and accomplish before they will even agree to settle (which is supposed to happen tomorrow). This is a really big deal and it would mean the world to me if you would pray for them and the situation. It’s not just a house. If you knew Beau and Summer, you would know that they have a heart for the city of Philadelphia and a passion for the children that live there.

They have dedicated their home and a very large portion of their time, energy, and financial resources to the kids of their neighborhood. A few years back, Summer and her roommate started “Homework Club”… a safe space for the neighborhood kids to come and have fun, play games, but also get their school work done with competent teachers at the ready to assist in whatever they need help with. Homework Club has grown and kids now flock every Tuesday night to their house. Beau, Summer, and a group of their friends minister to those kids every single week and are in contact with them daily. The impact, as you can imagine, is immense. To get this house would mean that that can continue.

Beau and Summer are willing (and have already done so) to jump through just about any hoop to make this settlement happen and they just got a brand new list of documents they need to produce by the end of the day. A list that should have been given to them months ago and could be a deal breaker in the process. It’s not easy to watch this from afar and feel helpless… that’s how I’m feeling. But I can pray. So that’s what I’m going to do and if you would join with me in that, it would mean a lot.

As you can imagine, this week has been pretty rough for them and Beau wasn’t able to finish up the video for today’s post. You know what, though? That’s life. I think we can all relate to that. The silver lining? We’ll get to see it next week. Which means the party continues! I’ve seen the first part of it and I can tell you… it’s amazing and he and his team have done a great job capturing the day. I can’t wait to see and share the finished product.

Have a great weekend everyone… we’ll see you back next week!