Rearranging Things

In order to accommodate the newest piece of furniture from yesterday’s post in the spare bedroom, we had to do some shifting around. Since we’ve moved here, the room has looked pretty much like this:

Spare Bedroom: AFTER Spare Bedroom: AFTER

But, with the addition of our new wicker egg chair, we had to get a little creative. Essentially, we needed a corner. Setting up the chair along wall would cause it to stick out too far into the room. As the space is just not big enough for that, a corner was our best bet. It was not long into our moving process that we realized that the big bookcase we had built way back when would have to go. 🙁 As much as we liked it, there was only really one way to set it up in the room. So, out it went.

Rearranging the Spare

The first layout we tried was swinging the futon out to face the map wall, creating a mini walkway as you come into the room. We took the two small bookcases (that made up the base of the original big one) and backed them up against the back of the futon. The desk got put in the corner and the egg chair in the other. I don’t have a “finished product” shot of this layout, but here we are mid-process. You can see how we had the bookcases in place, getting ready to move the couch to sit right behind them.

Rearranging the Spare

As adventurous as we were trying to be, this one just did not work. The room is waaaaay too small for having things right in the middle of the space. It completely dwarfed the space, leaving no walking room. Back to the drawing board. Mitch was actually the one to come up with the fix we ended up with. We put the futon on the wall that the bookcase used to be on. The desk now sits perpendicular to the window wall, facing the closet. We moved the two small bookcases to wrap around the desk, creating a work cubicle of sorts with the bookcases facing out.

Rearranging the Spare

The egg chair sits in the corner and we just put the bedside tables wherever they would fit. This was so much better! It actually feels more homey and cozy than our original layout. Before, it felt like we had furniture in there just to have furniture. We didn’t really spend a lot of time in the room. Now, there’s a work space that feels like a mini-studio and the couch, egg chair, and desk naturally create a cozy nook for relaxing too. It’s nice because now somebody can be working at the desk and someone else can be reading in the chair- it almost feels like a smaller version of a living room.

Rearranging the Spare

Clearly, this room is still in progress and we definitely have a long way to go, but it has been fun to move things around and play with different layouts. Best of all, we now have space for the new chair! It’ll be nice, though, when we land on a long-term solution that accommodates every function we need that room to accomplish. We’ve been thinking grander scope than just lifting and shifting. When we get a final plan in order, you’ll be the first to know. 🙂

Happy Saturday!


  1. Nancy | 31st Jan 15

    Looks great….until you need a crib, lol

    • Leslie | 31st Jan 15

      Haha seriously… Then it’s back to the drawing board

  2. Cindy | 31st Jan 15

    It looks nice! You approached it like experienced dorm dwellers!

    • Leslie | 31st Jan 15

      Thanks! You got that right… Let’s just say this is not our first rodeo

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