Steal of the Week!

So often, Mitch and I are off doing errands on the weekends (or even week nights) and we’ll come across something awesome that we just have to pick up for the house, youth room, backyard, etc. I love it when this happens because it’s kind of like Christmas! Unexpected and surprising! So, to pay tribute to the small joys in life, we’re going to start featuring the “Steal of the Week”.

Let me preface this by saying: a “steal” can constitute many different types of things. It could be a steal because of it’s thrifty price tag, but not always! A steal could also be something that we find and just love right away, something we’ve been on the hunt for forever, or maybe even just something hilarious that we can’t live without…

All of that being said, let me introduce you to this week’s Steal of the Week:april mantel 039

Found this little guy just a few nights ago! After a quick dinner at Panera (shout out to the Fuji Apple Chicken salad!), we were running early to the event we were off to, so I coerced Mitch into stopping in Home Goods. We did a quick walk around, not finding anything that we needed and were about to leave until I noticed these glazed clay figurines. So fresh and spring-like!

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We narrowed it down by eliminating the smells we didn’t like (each of them were filled with a little bag of potpourri) and focusing on the color themes in our house… to land on this one! The plan is actually to remove the potpourri and just use the bird for display. $3.99 later and we have a great addition to our spring decor- there are still plenty left, so go grab one for yourself!

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But the plot thickens: No sooner had we arrived home, did I proceed to drop the Home Goods bag while getting out of the car and shatter our little friend into pieces. DARN IT.

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After lamenting for a bit, I came to terms with how much I liked it and ran out the next day to grab another. What is worse than having to pay for something? Having to pay TWICE for that same thing! But, when life gives you lemons, you complain for a bit and then suck it up and move to Plan B, so you can rest assured that I have ideas for the pieces of my poor birdie friend. Keep your eyes peeled for his second act. 🙂

Our new friend is happily perched in his new home in the kitchen and we are (more or less) no worse for the wear. I even did a little dusting for the occasion!

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Add a touch of baby’s breath to up the spring factor, and we’re good to go!

bird 3

bird 1

bird 2


So there you have it- the steal(s) of the week! Happy “Spring-is-here-finally”!


PS. In the spirit of Spring, we’ve got an all new Mantel of the Month coming your way TOMORROW! Yippee! Come back and see all the nitty gritty details of how to get the look for your own home.

diy april mantel