Styling With Southern Glen

Disclaimer: This post and giveaway is sponsored by Southern Glen. All opinions are 100% my own.

Let me tell you a little secret… working with companies like the one I am about to tell you about makes my heart flutter with excitement. šŸ™‚ This one especially is a lot of fun for us because Mitch and I and the owner go way back to our college days. Chelsea and I lived on the same hall in college for years, so when I heard that she had opened up her own artisan boutique in NorthĀ Carolina, I immediately stalked the heck out of her Instagram account. Her shop is called Southern Glen (how charming is that?) and she has a passion for beautiful things, supporting local artisans, and fair business practices. Yep, she’s a dream.

Southern Glen

Needless to say, when Chelsea reached out to us asking if we’d be interested in collaborating in some way, it took me… oh… .001 seconds to say UM, YES! Where do we sign up?? And then the fun began. She knew we were knee-deep in our hall bathroom renovation and decided to send us a whole slew of products to outfit our space with and share our thoughts on. Not only that, but she even wants to give away a collection of goods to a lucky winner AND offer an exclusive promo code to Oh, the Fun readers so you guys can check out their online shop and grab a few goodies of your own! But more about that later.

Goodies From Southern Glen (2)

It was like Christmas had come early when the box from Southern Glen came in the mail and with each item I pulled out, there was much squealing and carrying on. Don’t tell Mitch I told you. šŸ˜‰ Just kidding… I was like a kid in a candy store!

Goodies From Southern Glen (1)

Now, if you remember, we’ve been hard at work getting the hall bathroom in tip top shape and the last we left things, some brand new DIY shelves had just been installed over the toilet.Ā As promised, today is the day that I’m going to show you the exciting part… styling them! I wanted to challenge myself to use the lovely pieces from Southern Glen (as well as a few of our own nic nacks) to create three different looks with three different feels. So, off we go!

This first look, I’m calling “Garden Party”. If you remember back to the original mood board for this space, this is probably the closest look to that vision.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (2)

For this set up, I aimed for a botanical, vintage feel.Ā Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (7)

All of the air plants you seeĀ in the pictures throughout this postĀ came from Southern Glen. Air plants are new territory for me and Chelsea raved about them, saying that as soon as I tried them, I’d be in love. The verdict? I think I’m certifiably OB.SESSED. Easy to care for, cool and unique, living decor? Sign me up. Also, this one just recently bloomed these beautiful purple buds!

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (3)

One of my favorite things that came in the package was this Pine FernĀ print. How gorgeous is that? She’s got a few in the online store that would look so pretty together as a collection on a wall.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (4)

On the top shelf, I added another air plant (probably my favorite one out of the whole bunch), a tall green glass bottle, a little white birdie, and a beautiful box of matches. The only issue here is that the matches are so pretty that I don’t think I ever want to use them!

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (6)

Sidenote… A good tip for styling is to shop around your own home! I’ve talked about this before, but don’t stop your hunting just at the things that would logically go on a shelf. That white bird in the picture belowĀ is actually a salt shaker. šŸ™‚

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (8)

Ok, onto look #2… a bit outside my usual decorating style, but this one was a lot of fun to put together! I call it “Modern Glam”.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (12)

Let’s start with the start of the star of the show… in my opinion. Um, does this “Choose Kindness” print make anyone else want to happy dance their way across the room? It’s gold foil lettering is simple and beautiful,Ā just like the message it states.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (10)

And you know, I start to say one thing is my favorite and then I look at something else and think… nope, THIS ONE. This one is cool. Like these glass and metal statement pieces. I love how angular and modern they feel and when you pair it with a ferny green friend, my goodness, that baby sings!

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (9)

For this “glamorous” look, I raided my jewelry collection for a few strands of pearls, some gold bangles and plopped them onto the faux white coral jewelry holder I got for Christmas a few years back (you’ve seen it here before). The gold candle holder, I had on hand and the glass box with the air plant is another treasure from Southern Glen.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (11)

This look is simplistic, a little bit abstract, but a fun change of pace fromĀ the style and look I usually go for. A challenge, if you will, to step outside of my comfort zone. Hooray for glitz and glam! And shiny letter art. šŸ™‚

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (13)

Alrighty… last, but not least… I give you “Home Grown”:

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (17)

This one’s right up my alley. Candles, personal art and photos, a plant. I really like this look because it’s a pretty easy one to throw together and you can totally change up each piece to reflect your personality. For the top shelf, I grabbed a framed photo of an observation tower my family visited on a trip to Florida back in college. Next to that is the metal ampersand (it used to be between an “M” and “L” in the corner cabinet of the old house) and a twine-wrapped baby food jar that we used as votives at our wedding. And how cute and tiny is that miniature air plant?

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (16)

On the bottom shelf, I brought back the bigger air plant (the technical name for it is xerographica), a framed piece of artĀ that was given to us for our wedding by a good friend that does photography on the side, and one of Southern Glen’s candles. Very homey, very personalized, very us.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (18)

Let me just say something about this candle… never would I have guessed that Tobacco Coriander would smell so good. This thing makes our house smell so warm and cozy and here’s the crazy part: WE HAVE YET TO EVEN LIGHT IT. It’s had a home in practically every room of our house (I keep moving it because I like the way it looks everywhere!) and whenever you pass by a room that it’s sitting in, it just wafts gently over you. Not overpowering, just a calming scent. They are handmade in small batches and 100% soy. I love oursĀ and will be purchasing some more when we actually get around to lighting this one and using it up… although, if it keeps smelling this good unlit, we may never have to! šŸ™‚ Plus, they make great gifts!

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (15)

Also, a word about air plants and how to care for them. Actually, I’m just going to turn this one over to Chelsea because she had great (and easy!) advice for me when I said “Um, how the heck to I keep these beautiful things from dropping dead?”. Chelsea says, “They need light (sun or artificial light), air (no enclosed containers) and water. I mist mine once a week- if your house is a bit dry, try misting them twice a week or soaking for 10 mins a week (or, if they are in the kitchen or bathroom, they might need less attention due to steam from shower, etc).” Bam, easy peasy.

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (14)

I believe that about wraps up our “Shelves Three Ways” project for today! We are so thankful for the opportunity to get to partner with Southern Glen and have thoroughly enjoyed the products Chelsea sent our way. In fact, I have a bonus for you… how perfectly summery is this boat- inspired tea towel?

Styling Shelves With Southern Glen (1)

And yes, there’s your sneak peek at the next phase of the bathroom renovation… hardware and accessories! But back to the towel. I got starry-eyed when I first saw it. We’re a big water and boat family, so this pattern makes me all giddy. I love that this could be used in a bathroom or kitchen and adds a handmade touch to theĀ space. Are you in love yet? If so, I have good news for you… Southern Glen wants to send someone a few goodies of their own! One lucky winner will get a Southern Glen starter kit to put to use in their own house, complete with one of the candles, tea towels, and an air plant. Just get a load of this…

Southern Glen Collection

Ready for the details?

PRIZE: A collection of Southern Glen goodies: One (1) tea towel, one (1) air plant, and one (1) handmade candle.

WINNER: One (1) Winner. This prize can only be shipped within the Continental U.S.

DETAILS: There are a bunch of ways you can enter this giveaway and each way counts as an entry!

  1. SUBSCRIBEĀ to Oh, the Fun via Email (instructions in the top right sidebar of this page). Ā We will automatically include all of our email subscribers in the drawing.
  2. FOLLOW Southern Glen on Instagram!
  3. FOLLOW Oh, the Fun on Instagram!
  4. LIKE any photos on Instagram tagged #stylingwithSouthernGlen (We’ll be posting photos all next week and you’ll receive one entry for every photo you like!)

Contest will be closed at 11:59pm EST on Thursday, September 8th, 2016 and the winner will be announced on Friday, September 9th, 2016. Winner is randomly selected.

BONUS: Southern Glen has graciously offered an exclusive OTF promo code for their online store! Go and check out all of their goodies and use the promo code “Ohthefun” at checkout to get 10% off your first order!

Good luck!


  1. Fran Rosario | 1st Sep 16

    excellent article!

    • Leslie | 1st Sep 16

      Thank you!

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