Succulents and Winter Greens

Hi friends! Happy Tuesday to you! We had a nice weekend of filing taxes, a family dinner, seeing some of our Middle Schoolers in their musical (The Lion King), and catching up on the Bachelor (Mitch is a real trooper and watches it with me). How about you? Any fun things happen for you this weekend?

Today’s post is of the quick-update variety. 🙂 These are fun because they’re a good way to keep you up to speed on the minor tweaks and changes that happen around our house and they are fun for us to look back on and remember small details that otherwise would have been forgotten as time goes on. There are a few areas in our house that are ever-changing, especially as the seasons come and go. The front door and porch is one of them. We’ve had everything from potted plants to wreaths made of yarn and felt to chalkboards and sleds. Nowadays, we’ve opted for winter-y and simple. Here’s what’s happening out there, as of late:

Winter Front Door (1)

Every time I look at a picture like this I think, I have GOT to take that tree plaque down! It’s been there since we bought the house over two and a half years ago and now it just kind of blends in so much that we forget it’s there. Until I’m looking at a picture of it, that is. 🙂 Anyone else have something like that in their home?

My mom scored the trio of winter greens (I have no idea what the technical names for them are… they just look like baby Christmas-y trees to me) and lent us the stands on which they’re sitting. I’ve really enjoyed coming home to this bunch because it just feels so appropriate for the season. All we do is give them a good water once a week and they’re good to go!

Winter Front Door 4

On the door, we’ve got one of my favorite wreaths of all time. Do I say that about a lot of wreaths? I don’t know… I love a good wreath, so maybe. 🙂 This one was from Target awhile back and I found it in their clearance section for just five buckaroos! It was love at first sight.


The colors of the succulents are right up my alley and the whole thing feels very fresh and almost winter-y because of those colors, but spring-like at the same time. Plus, it totally jives with the color of our front door. As our door color is not something we have control over, anytime I find something that looks good with it, I’m a happy camper.

Succulent Wreath

Together, the plants (both real and fake) are creating quite the happy welcoming party for our front porch. Everyone loves coming home after a long day’s work, but right now I’m enjoying it that much more. 🙂 What’s happening outside your door these days? Anyone still celebrating winter with me? I know for some of you, that’s going to be a very resounding NO. 🙂


  1. Aunt Becky | 24th Feb 16

    I love your beautiful wreath Leslie!

    • Leslie | 24th Feb 16

      Thanks Aunt Becky!!

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