Table for Two

Two weeks ago, Oh the Fun explored the progress in the Thomas Family Room and the woes (but also excitement) of having a room that is in limbo and “not quite there yet”. If you remember, our last look into the room was this:

Family Room

However, today is all about seeing things from the other angle:

Family Room Couch

While I was typing that post, I really got to looking at the couch placement and decided that I didn’t completely love where it was. No, we’re not doing anything drastic like changing the whole room! There is really only one way that all of the furniture fits nicely. I’m talking more about the mirror/couch relationship.

Originally, we did not want to push the couch all the way against the wall (to the left) because whoever would end up in that corner would have trouble seeing the TV, which sits on the fireplace mantel. For this reason, we kept the couch un-centered and added an end table to the left side. The mirror we centered to the entire wall, NOT to the couch placement. However, in looking at that picture above, I decided that it would look more cohesive and make more sense if we centered the couch as well.

So, goodbye end table 🙁 If we moved the couch, it would no longer fit. I wasn’t convinced that this would be the best decision until Mom and I stumbled across these guys at the Restore (for more about our previous Restore adventures, click here) a few weeks ago…

Family Side Tables Family Side Tables

Could these skinny minnie tables (I think they might actually be plant stands?) be the key to solving our spacing problems? Although I wasn’t positive about them at first, we took a risk and brought them home to see if they would fit. As it turns out, they’re perfect!

Family Room Couch

We now have a couch centered under the mirror and not one, but TWO end tables keeping it in place. The old end table has a new home and these two little guys seem to fit the bill perfectly (nothing any bigger would have worked, due the size of the couch).

Family Room Couch

I like a lot of things about these tables: they are small and compact, so we can fit one on either side, they are white (which has helped me think about other color possibilities in this room), they have a bottom shelf (where our router will live), and they have a unique shape to them!

Family Side Tables Family Side Tables

The quirky shape is just begging for some kind of cool make-over/design element addition.

And my absolute favorite part? We were able to add MORE LIGHT to the room with the addition of another table lamp! Sometimes I feel as if our family room gets dungeon-y and dark, so having another light source has really made all of the difference.

Family Side Tables

So, thank you Restore (again)- you rarely disappoint! In this case, I’m definitely thinking we’re taking steps in the right direction… and just for kicks, one last before and after for the day:

Family Room Couch Family Room Couch

Ever find something (or two somethings!) that just work? I love it when that happens. Do tell! Comment below and email me some pics- I’d love to share your befores and afters with the Oh, the Fun family!

Until next time, peace out everybody!
