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Browsing Tag: backyard

TOTW: Under My Umbrella- ella- ella

Phinally (hey yo, Philly)… we got an umbrella!!! Remember this post?Well, the last piece of the grill-and-umbrella puzzle is complete! Here she is: This purchase did not come easy, as you know from reading the beginning of the tale. It was one of those I-stalked…

Go Ahead, Put Your Feet Up…

UPDATE: You can now check out our One Year Review of this product here! Seriously, we got recliners for the backyard. And they rock. Remember our plan to acquire seating for 10-12 people that could be spread out over the entire backyard space, but also come together to form…

We Added a Room… For $85.

To the backyard! For awhile now, we’ve been trying to figure out how to divert attention away from the eyesore that was this corner of the patio:Yeah, we know… it’s not a pretty sight. And seeing how the rest of the patio is really…