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Browsing Tag: bed

Getting My Drawers In Order

Nope, not talking about underwear. Although, I did organize my underwear drawer. Anyway- let’s move on. Today, I wanted to show you something that has changed. my. life… you organizers out there, get ready. Check out this guy: Wait, let me back up. First of all, welcome…

Yes, We Own a Bed

Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is how far behind this blog is in comparison with what has happened in our house. It’s not a bad thing- just funny. For example, one would look at the blog and assume we have no furniture in…

Shopping Spree!

This weekend was tons of fun! We spent some time with family, visited Philly with the kiddos for a Service Project, and … did a little shopping. I am not a huge fan of shopping (especially if I’m tired, which then leads to cranky), but I do like…