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Browsing Tag: blogiversary


The big day is finally here! I can’t believe that it’s finally launch day for the BIG SECRET PROJECT we’ve been working on. Hooray!!! This baby has been in the works for over five months now and TODAY is the day that I can…

Two Year Blogiversary Superlatives

Hey, hey, we’re back and the party is still in full swing! Yesterday, we kicked things off with an Infographic full of stats and facts and tidbits of information about this past year of blogging. Today is a fun day because we get to look back at the…

WAHOOOO! We’re Turning TWO!

I can’t believe it… this little blog of ours officially turned TWO YEARS OLD on Sunday! That is wild. Completely crazy. And I’m over the moon about it. 🙂 This week is going to be fun… you know how much we love a good party…