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Browsing Tag: closet

Chapter 3: Closet Plans

Hip hip hooray, today’s the day! Today’s the day, for closet play! If I were Dr. Seuss, that’s how I would start this blog post. I might even do the whole darn thing in rhyme. But for fear that you’d all abandon…

Spare Room Closet Clean Out

Ok, I owe you a closet clean out post… Sorry that it didn’t come at the end of last week. We were headed out to our Middle School Fall Retreat and I ran out of time to get it posted, but better late than never, right? This…

Master Closet Clean Out

We kicked it into hyper drive on this one… get ready for the mother load. You’ve already seen the beginnings of the Master Bedroom here, but today you get to peek into the depths of… the closet. That’s right, you get your very own…