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Browsing Tag: craft

Asking the Maids

Bridesmaids, that is. If you’re checking in for the first time this week, welcome to Wedding Week here on the blog! We’ve been having fun throwing back to last year’s partayyy. On Monday we covered how we celebrated one year of marriage and yesterday…

Inspiration on Vacation

Ok, that title is confusing. Please read: Inspiration While on Vacation, Not: My Inspiration is on Vacation. So back in the beginning of September, Mitch and I took a trip to Bethany Beach, DE for a few days. His uncle graciously lent us his beach house, so we hit the…

Cheap & Easy DIY Magnets

Yesterday was a day devoted to schedules and the styling of such. As much fun as I had creating our Thomas Family Calendar… … I had no way to hang it! The poor thing had been affixed to our fridge with scotch tape because of the lack of magnet…